Storage backends ================ PyModels can be used with a multitude of databases providing a uniform API for retrieving, storing, removing and searching of records. To couple PyModels with a database, a storage/query backend is needed. How it works ------------ A "**backend**" is a module that provides two classes: `Storage` and `Query`. Both must conform to the basic specifications (see basic specs below). Backends may not be able to implement all default methods; they may also provide some extra methods. The **Storage** class is an interface for the database. It allows to add, read, create and update records by primary keys. You will not use this class directly in your code. The **Query** class is what you will talk to when filtering objects of a model. There are no constraints on how the search conditions should be represented. This is likely to cause some problems when you switch from one backend to another. Some guidlines will be probably defined to address the issue of portability. For now we try to ensure that all default backends share the conventions defined by the Tokyo Tyrant backend. Batteries included ------------------ The PyModels library ships with some storage/query backends. Here is the complete API reference for these backends: .. toctree:: base_backend tokyo_tyrant_backend tokyo_cabinet_backend mongodb_backend Switching backends ------------------ Let's assume we have a Tokyo Cabinet database. You can choose the TC backend to use the DB file :doc:`directly ` or access the same file :doc:`through the manager `. The first option is great for development and some other cases where you would use SQLite; the second option is important for most production environments where multiple connections are expected. The good news is that there's no more import and export, dump/load sequences, create/alter/drop and friends. Having tested the application against the database `storage.tct` with Cabinet backend, just run `ttserver storage.tct` and switch the backend config. Let's create our application:: import pymodels import settings from models import Country, Person storage = pymodels.get_storage(settings.DATABASE) print Person.objects(storage) # prints all Person objects from DB Now define settings for both backends ( # direct access to the database (simple, not scalable) TOKYO_CABINET_DATABASE = { 'backend': 'pymodels.backends.tokyo_cabinet', 'kind': 'TABLE', 'path': 'storage.tct', } # access through the Tyrant manager (needs daemon, scalable) TOKYO_TYRANT_DATABASE = { 'backend': 'pymodels.backends.tokyo_tyrant', 'host': 'localhost', 'port': 1978, } # this is the *only* line you need to change in order to change the backend DATABASE = TOKYO_CABINET_DATABASE