Tokyo Tyrant backend

A storage/query backend for Tokyo Tyrant.

database:Tokyo Cabinet, Tokyo Tyrant
class pymodels.backends.tokyo_tyrant.Storage(host='', port=1978)
Clears the whole storage from data, resets autoincrement counters.
Deleted record with given primary key.
get(model, primary_key)
Returns model instance for given model and primary key. Raises KeyError if there is no item with given key in the database.
save(model, data, primary_key=None)

Saves given model instance into the storage. Returns primary key.

  • model – model class
  • data – dict containing all properties to be saved
  • primary_key – the key for given object; if undefined, will be generated

Note that you must provide current primary key for a model instance which is already in the database in order to update it instead of copying it.

class pymodels.backends.tokyo_tyrant.Query(storage, model)
Returns the number of records that match current query. Does not fetch the records.
Deletes all records that match current query.
Returns a list of unique values for given column name.
Returns Query instance filtered by given conditions. The conditions are defined exactly as in Pyrant’s high-level query API. See pyrant.query.Query.filter documentation for details.
Returns Query instance. Inverted version of where().

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