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repoze-oauth-plugin consists of two parts - a plugin for repoze.who and a plugin for repoze.what.

repoze.who Plugin

The repoze.who plugin is responsible for:

  • OAuth parameter extraction - the plugin looks for the OAuth parameters in request query string (the part after ?), POSTed request body and Authorization header.
  • request verification - the plugin checks request signature
  • request and access token management over http - request and access tokens are created when clients POST to the specified URLs
  • request and access token management in the database - the plugin takes care for token tables’ creation in the database, looks up the tokens and verifies them

In the 2-legged flow it identifies and authenticates the client using the consumer key. In the 3-legged flow it creates request and access tokens. Request token authorization is left to token_authorization predicate.

See repoze.who Plugin Usage for usage information.

repoze.what Plugin

The repoze.who plugin needs help with request token verification. Request tokens have to be verified by users. It usually involves displaying the client information to the user and handling the verification form submission. The repoze.what plugin provides a token_authorization predicate to use in the form generation and handling.

There are three more predicates to recognize OAuth usage: is_consumer, is_oauth_user and not_oauth.

See repoze.what Plugin Usage for usage information.


repoze.who Plugin Usage

You can create the plugin with:

>>> from repoze.who.plugins.oauth import OAuthPlugin
>>> oauth_plugin = OAuthPlugin(engine='sqlite:///:memory:',
...     Manager=MyManager,
...     realm='my-realm',
...     url_request_token='/request_token',
...     url_access_token='/access_token')


An SQLAlchemy engine. If the provided object is not an engine itself then it must be something that can be converted to an engine using sqlalchemy.create_engine, e.g. url or URL instance.
Manager optional, default - repoze.who.plugins.oauth:DefaultManager

A class responsible for client management in the database. The Manager has to take the engine as an initialization parameter.

If you are configuring the plugin through the PasteDeploy configuration file this can be an entry point, e.g. myproject.lib:MyManager.

realm optional, default - ''
A realm identifying the protection space.
request_token_path optional, default - '/oauth/request_token'
A URL that the clients should POST to to receive a new request token.
access_token_path optional, default - '/oauth/access_token'
A URL that the clients should POST to to receive a new access token. This url can be equal to request_token_path. In that case request type is determined by parameters.

The repoze.who plugin acts as an Identifier, Authenticator and Challenger. Therefore in order to get OAuth support you need to provide it as identifier, authenticator and challenger to the repoze.who middleware, similar to this (here we create it using repoze.what provided helper):

>>> oauth_plugin = OAuthPlugin('sqlite:///:memory:', realm='MyRealm')
>>> from repoze.what.middleware import setup_auth
>>> app = setup_auth(my_app,
...     group_adapters=my_group_adapters,
...     permission_adapters=my_permission_adapters,
...     identifiers=[('oauth', plugin)],
...     authenticators=[('oauth', plugin)],
...     challengers=[('oauth', plugin)],
...     **other_kwargs)

However, usually you would use some higher level middleware maker. Let’s take repoze.what-quickstart as an example:

>>> oauth_plugin = OAuthPlugin('sqlite:///:memory:', realm='MyRealm')
>>> from repoze.what.plugins.quickstart import setup_sql_auth
>>> app = setup_sql_auth(app, User, Group, Permission, Session,
...     identifiers=[('oauth', oauth_plugin)],
...     authenticators=[('oauth', oauth_plugin)],
...     challengers=[('oauth', oauth_plugin)])

repoze-oauth-plugin uses oauth2 for OAuth specific functionality and plays well with restkit.

repoze.what Plugin Usage

If you have set the OAuthPlugin with setup_sql_auth (or any other way that includes repoze.what support) you can use OAuth specific predicates provided by repoze-oauth-plugin.


This predicate is required for OAuth flow. Its role is to authorize a request token and generate a verification code.

Here is the procedure for token authorization:

  1. After client app acquires a request token it redirects the user to the service.
  2. The user then has to authorize the request token. So he GETs the authorization action.
  3. The action should provide information about the client and a form.
  4. POSTing the form should authorize the request token.
  5. If the client is a web application the user gets redirected back to the client. Otherwise the user has to provide the verification code to the client.

As this procedure might seem a bit complex here is an example action for the imaginary OAuth using webapp:

from exampleapp.model import Session
from repoze.what.plugins.oauth import token_authorization

token_auth = token_authorization(DBSession=Session)

def authorize(environ):
    "Perform token authorization"

    if not token_auth.is_met(environ):
        # The request token not found

    if environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET':
        # Step 2. On GET token_authorization finds and stores a token in the
        # environment
        token = environ['repoze.what.oauth']['token']

        # Step 3. We can now return a page showing the client name and token
        # authorization form
        return display('token_authorization.html',

    elif environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST':
        # Step 4. The user POSTs the form. Take the token_key from the POST
        # parameters
        token_key = environ.POST['oauth_token']
        # The userid usually lives in repoze identity
        userid = environ['repoze.who.identity']['repoze.who.userid']
        # token_authorization stores a request verification and callback
        # maker function in the environment
        make_callback = environ['repoze.what.oauth']['make_callback']
        # This function takes a request token key and a userid. It verifies
        # the request token
        callback = make_callback(token_key, userid)

        # Step 5.
        if callback.url == 'oob':
            # If the client application is not a web application the user
            # will have to enter the verification code by hand
            return 'Verification code: %s' % callback['verifier']
            # If the client application is a web application we can redirect
            # to it


is_consumer is a predicate that checks whether the current user is a consumer acting on behalf of itself (2-legged flow):

>>> from repoze.what.plugins.oauth import is_consumer
>>> p = is_consumer()
>>> p.check_authorization(environ)
Traceback (most recent call last):
repoze.what.predicates.NotAuthorizedError: The current user must be a consumer

You can ask for a consumer with a particular key:

>>> p = is_consumer(consumer_key='my-app')

This predicate will not allow consumers to pass in a 3-legged flow (use is_oauth_user).


is_oauth_user is a predicate that checks whether the current user is a consumer acting on behalf of a user (3-legged flow):

>>> from repoze.what.plugins.oauth import is_oauth_user
>>> p = is_oauth_user()
>>> p.check_authorization(environ)
Traceback (most recent call last):
repoze.what.predicates.NotAuthorizedError: The current user must be a consumer acting on behalf of a user

You can ask for a particular consumer and/or particular user:

>>> p = is_consumer(userid='some-user', consumer_key='my-app')


not_oauth is a predicate that denies access through OAuth. All other methods are allowed (even anonymous!):

>>> from repoze.what.plugins.oauth import not_oauth
>>> p = not_oauth()
>>> p.check_authorization(environ_with_oauth)
Traceback (most recent call last):
repoze.what.predicates.NotAuthorizedError: Access through OAuth forbidden
>>> p.check_authorization({})   # Empty environ, no user - ok!