API Documentation


Interface: repoze.mailin.interfaces.IMessageStore

Plugin interface for append-only storage of RFC822 messages.

Method: __setitem__(message_id, message)

Store a message.

  • ‘message’ should be an instance of ‘email.Message’. (XXX text?)
  • Raise KeyError if no message with the given ID is found.
Method: iterkeys()
Return an interator over the message IDs in the store.
Method: __getitem__(message_id)

Retrieve a message.

  • Return an instance of ‘email.Message’. (XXX text?)
  • Raise KeyError if no message with the given ID is found.
Interface: repoze.mailin.interfaces.IPendingQueue

Plugin interface for a FIFO queue of messages awaiting processing.

Method: __nonzero__()
Return True if no message IDs are in the queue, else False.
Method: pop(how_many=1)

Retrieve the next ‘how_many’ message IDs to be processed.

  • May return fewer than ‘how_many’ IDs, if the queue is emptied.
  • Popped messages are no longer present in the queue.
Method: remove(message_id)

Remove the given message ID from the queue.

  • Raise KeyError if not found.
Method: push(message_id)
Append ‘message_id’ to the queue.