Source code for rhythm.abstract

Abstract base classes for time measures and points.

The inheritance hierarchy can get messy. These ABCs help to keep the inheritance
under control and provide easy access to the APIs.
import abc

[docs]class Time(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ The abstract base class for *all* Time related types. """
[docs]class Range(Time): """ The representation of the span between two quantities. Often, time quantities are treated as ranges, so rhythm makes all time types ranges for practical purposes. """ @abc.abstractproperty
[docs] def start(self): """ The beginning of the range. """
[docs] def stop(self): """ The end of the range. Normally, `stop` is treated in a non-inclusive manner. """
[docs] def magnitude(self): """ The size of the Range in terms of the :py:attr:`start`. """
@abc.abstractmethod def __contains__(self, pit): """ Determines whether or not the given `pit` is completely contained by the Range. assert self.start >= pit and pit < self.stop """
[docs]class Measure(Range): """ An abstract quantity time. Usually, identified as a Scalar quantity unless subclassed. """ @abc.abstractproperty
[docs] def unit(self): """ Identifier of the unit of time--usually the english name. This *must* be a `str` where str(unit).isidentifier() is `True`. """
[docs] def name(self): """ Name of the unit of time. Normally equal to :py:attr:`rhythm.abstract.Time.unit`, but potentially different in cases where the proper name is not an identifier. """
[docs] def start(self): """ For Measure instances, this property *must* be zero. assert measure.start == 0 """
[docs] def stop(self): """ For Measure instances, this property *must* be the instance, :py:obj:`self`:: assert measure.stop is measure """
[docs] def magnitude(self): """ The magnitude of the Time instance. For Measures, this is their integer value:: assert int(measure) == measure.magnitude """
[docs] def of(type, *times, **parts): """ :param times: A sequence of time instances. :type times: :py:class:`rhythm.abstract.Time` :param parts: Keyword names designate the unit of the corresponding value. The time context dictates what that is. :type parts: :py:class:`int` Create an instance of the type from the sum of the quantities specified by `units` and `parts`:: measure = rhythm.lib.Measure.of(hour = 33, microsecond = 44) """
[docs] def increase(self, *units, **parts): """ :param units: Variable number of :py:class:`Measure` instances. :param parts: Variable keywords whose keys designate the unit. Increase the measurement, repositioning the :py:attr:`stop`. Returns a new Measure instance whose value is `self` increased by the given parameters. This is equivalent to:: assert self.increase(*units, **parts) == self.of(self, *units, **parts) """
[docs] def decrease(self, *units, **parts): """ :param units: Variable number of :py:class:`Measure` instances. :param parts: Variable keywords whose keys designate the unit. Decrease the measurement, repositioning the :py:attr:`stop`. Returns a new Measure instance whose value is `self` decreased by the given parameters. This is equivalent to:: neg_units = [-unit for unit in units] neg_parts = {k:-v for (k,v) in parts} assert self.decrease(*units, **parts) == self.of(self, *neg_units, **neg_parts) """
[docs] def select(self, part, of = None, align = 0): """ :param part: The unit whose count is to be returned. :type part: :py:class:`str` :param of: The unit whose total wholes are subtracted from `self` in order to find the correct total parts. :type of: :py:class:`str` :param align: How to align the given part. Trivially, this is a difference that is applied prior to removing wholes: `value = self - align`. :type align: :py:class:`int` Extract the number of complete parts designated by `part` after the last complete whole, `of`, with respect to the alignment, `align`. The result is a Python :py:class:`int` or an arbitrary object given that a Container part is referenced. Common cases:: h ='hour', 'day') m ='minute', 'hour') s ='second', 'minute') u ='microsecond', 'second') """
[docs] def update(self, part, replacement, of = None, align = 0): """ :param part: The name of the Part unit to set. :type part: :py:class:`str` :param replacement: The new value to set. :type replacement: :py:class:`int` :param of: The name of the Whole unit that defines the boundary of the part. :type of: :py:class:`str` :param align: Defaults to zero; the adjustment applied to the boundary. :type align: :py:class:`int` :returns: The adjusted time instance. :rtype: :py:class:`Time` Construct and return a new instance adjusted by the difference between the selected part and the given value with respect to the specified alignment. The following holds true:: updated = pit.update(part, replacement, of, align) adjusted = this.adjust(**{part: replacement -, of, align)}) assert updated == adjusted It's existence as an interface is due to its utility. """
[docs] def truncate(self, unit): """ :param unit: The minimum unit size to allow in the new time instance. :type unit: :py:class:`str` :returns: The adjust time instance. :rtype: :py:class:`Time` Truncates the time instance to the specified boundary: remove units smaller than the specified `unit`. """
[docs]class Point(Range): """ A Point in Time, PiT; a Measure relative to an understood datum. Points are an extension of Measures. They isolate a position in time *with* a magnitude of one unit. The use of magnitudes on Points is purely practical as leveraging this with Earth-Day units is far to useful to dismiss. """ @abc.abstractproperty
[docs] def Measure(self): """ The Point's corresponding scalar class used to measure deltas. This may *not* be the Point's direct superclass, but the following must hold true:: assert isinstance(point, point.Measure) """
[docs] def start(self): """ Points *must* return the instance; :py:obj:`self`:: assert pit.start is pit """
[docs] def stop(self): """ The next Point according to the unit:: assert point.stop == point.elapse(point.Measure(1)) """
[docs] def magnitude(self): """ The magnitude of the Point. For Points, this *must* be one:: assert pit.magnitude == 1 """
[docs] def measure(self, pit): """ Return the measurement, :py:attr:`Measure` instance, between `self` and the given point in time. The delta between the two points. """
[docs] def elapse(self, *units, **parts): """ Returns an adjusted measure in time by the given arguments and keywords. Essentially, this is a call to the :py:meth:`rhythm.abstract.Measure.of` method with the instance as the first parameter. This is shorthand for ``T.of(T, *units, **parts)``. """
[docs] def rollback(self, *units, **parts): """ The point in time that occurred the given number of units before this point. The functionality is like :py:meth:`Scalar.adjust`, but negates the parameters. The method's implementation must hold the following properties:: pit == (pit.ago(*measures, **units)).elapse(*measures, **units) Where :py:obj:`pit` is an arbitrary :py:class:`Point`, :py:obj:`measures` is a sequence of *compatible* :py:class:`Scalar` instances, and :py:obj:`units` is a mapping of unit names to values. """
[docs]class Clock(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ "Clock instances" are a collection of clock based tools. """ @abc.abstractproperty
[docs] def unit(self): """ The precision of the clock and its methods. Hopefully, nanoseconds or microseconds. """
[docs] def sleep(self, quantity): """ Sleep, block the processing of code according to the given measure of time. """
[docs] def sleeper(self): """ Create an object that sleeps for a designated period, but can be disturbed with precision at a designated frequency. The returned object is an iterable that will sleep when iterated returning the amount of time that was spent sleeping. """
[docs] def meter(self): """ Returns an iterator to the total measure of time that has elapsed since the first iteration of the returned object. If it is the first iteration, zero *must* be returned. """
[docs] def delta(self): """ Construct a new iterator to the measure of time that has elapsed since the previous iteration of the returned object. If it is the first iteration, zero *must* be returned. """
[docs] def periods(self, quantity): """ Construct a new iterator yielding a pair, (count, remainder). Where the `count` is the number of times that the period has passed since the last iteration and the `remainder` is the amount of time until another has elapsed. Period iterators are primarily used to poll for chunks of elapsed time. Whereas, :py:meth:`delta` iterators only offer the finest grain available. """
[docs] def stopwatch(self): """ Return a context manager that measures the amount of time that has elapsed since the invocation of :py:meth:`__enter__`. The yielded object is a reference to the elapsed time and can be referenced prior to the exit of the context manager. Once :py:meth:`__exit__` is called, the elapsed time must no longer be measured and the result is subsequently consistent. """
[docs] def demotic(self): """ Return a snapshot of the clock in wall clock time according to the UTC timezone. In contrast to monotonic. """
[docs] def adjust(self, *args, **kw): """ Adjust the demotic clock according to the given measure. """