Source code for rhythm.libflow

libflow provides tools for tracking arbitrary units over a period of time.

The classes and function herein are requisites for time based rate limiting.
import collections
import weakref
# Use the Chronometer directly for performance reasons.
from . import system
# But some surface functionality can return Measures for typed units
from . import lib

[docs]def maximum_time(current_rate, target_rate): """ Determine the rest time for a rate exceeding a maximum. Given the case where a tracked flow is exceeding a configured maximum, calculate the necessary time that much elapse *at a rate of zero* before the flow will be at the maximum. """ return (current_rate / target_rate) - 1
[docs]def minimum_units(current_rate, target_rate): """ Determine the increase in units necessary to achieve the target_rate. Given the case where the current rate falls below a configured minimum, calculate the necessary rate increase required for the minimum to be achieved. This is a simple difference. Using this difference in with the identification of the maximum possible throughput, one can determine whether or not it is possible for a rate increase to once again fall above the minimum within a given timeframe. """ return (current_rate - target_rate)
[docs]class Specificaton(tuple): """ Structure used to define the throughtput for enforcing rate requirements """ _keys = ("minimum", "maximum", "window") @classmethod def new(typ, min, max, win): return typ((min,max,win))
[docs] def replace(self, **kw): """ Create a new Specification from the instance with the given keywords as overrides to the fields. """ return self.__new__([ kw.get(x, getattr(self, x)) for x in self._keys ])
[docs] def minimum(self): """ The minimum transfer rate. """ return self[0]
[docs] def maximum(self): """ The maximum transfer rate. """ return self[1]
[docs] def window(self): """ The window """ return self[2]
[docs] def position(self, rate): """ Where the given rate falls within the designated range. """ if self[0] is not None and rate < self[0]: return -1 if self[1] is not None and rate > self[1]: return 1 return 0
[docs] def recoverable(self, rate, remainder): """ Given the current rate and the remainder of time, calculate whether or not its possible to come back and meet the minimum requirement within the remainder. """ if remainder <= 0: return False if self.maximum is None: # infinite limit means it can recover in an instant return True
[docs]class Radar(object): """ Radars track the rate of arbitrary flows across units of time. By default, objects are tracked using a :py:class:`weakref.WeakKeyDictionary`. This allows for casual tracking to take place such that explicit disposal is not necessary. However, it is possible to use a regular dictionary by providing a type via the ``Dictionary`` keyword argument. **Radars are not thread safe with respect to particular subjects.** """ __slots__ = ('tracking', 'unit', 'Chronometer', 'Queue') @staticmethod
[docs] def split(seq, pit, int = int, iter = iter): """ split(seq, pit) :param seq: A sequence of `(units, time)` pairs. :type seq: :py:class:`collections.Iterable` :param pit: A point in time relative to the beginning of the sequence. :type seq: :py:class:`int` :returns: A pair of sequences split at the given `pit`. :rtype: :py:class:`list` Split the given sequence at the relative point in time within the given sequence, `seq`. """ # if the times weren't relative, we could bisect. count = 0 replacement = None prefix = [] suffix = [] i = iter(seq) for pair in i: u, t = pair if t > pit: # last entry that needs to be processed # calculate the average rate according to # this frame and truncate it according to the # remainder of the pit. pv = int((u / t) * pit) # prefix units prefix.append((pv, pit)) # the remainder goes to the suffix suffix.append((u - pv, t - pit)) break else: # subtract the time from the pit and continue pit = pit - t prefix.append(pair) # wholly consumed for pair in i: suffix.append(pair) return prefix, suffix
[docs] def sums(seq, Measure = lib.Measure): """ sums(seq) Given a sequence of (time, units) pairs, return the sums of the columns. """ total_units, total_time = 0, 0 for units, time in seq: total_units += units total_time += time return (total_units, Measure(total_time))
def __init__(self, Chronometer = system.Chronometer, Dictionary = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary, Queue = collections.deque ): """ Radar() Create a new Radar instance for tracking a set of flows. """ self.tracking = Dictionary() self.Chronometer = Chronometer self.Queue = Queue self.unit = 'nanosecond' def __len__(self): """ Return the number of flows being tracked. """ return len(self.tracking)
[docs] def forget(self, subject): """ :param subject: The tracked object to be removed. :type subject: :py:class:`object` :returns: The value of the forgotten key, `subject`. :rtype: :py:class:`object` Forget all tracking information about the given object, `subject`. This removes the subject from the dictionary of tracked objects. .. note:: By default, the dictionary is a WeakKeyDictionary. Using `forget` is not necessary unless an override for the dictionary type was given. """ return self.tracking.pop(subject, None)
[docs] def track(self, subject, units): """ Given an object, track the units. """ if subject not in self.tracking: pair = self.tracking[subject] = (self.Chronometer(), self.Queue()) else: pair = self.tracking[subject] d, q = pair q.append((units, next(d))) return pair
[docs] def zero(self, subject, Measure = lib.Measure): """ zero(subject) :param subject: The object whose flow-time is to be zeroed. :type subject: :py:class:`object` :returns: The amount of time dropped. :rtype: :py:class:`rhythm.lib.Measure` Zero out the Chronometer for the given subject. In cases where consumed time should be skipped for the subsequent track operation, this method can be used to cause the consumed time to not be added to the tracked time. Notably, zero is useful in cases where flow can be paused and unpaused. """ pair = self.tracking.get(subject) if pair is not None: r = next(pair[0]) else: r = 0 return Measure(r)
[docs] def collapse(self, subject, window = 0, range = range): """ collapse(subject, window = 0) :param subject: The object whose flow is to be collapsed. :type subject: :py:class:`object` :param window: The window of the flow to maintain. :type window: :py:class:`int` :returns: The number of records collapsed. :rtype: :py:class:`int` Collapse calculates the tracked units and time of a given flow and replaces the set of records with a single record containing the totals. If a window is given, the consistency of the specified time frame will remain intact, but everything that comes before it will be aggregated into a single record. This offers an alternative to truncate given cases where overall data is still needed. """ # Make sure there is an element within the window. d, q = self.track(subject, 0) size = len(q) # allow concurrent tracks to be performed; use the same chronometer popleft = q.popleft b, a = self.split(reversed([popleft() for x in range(size)]), window) q.extendleft(reversed(b)) # maintain window collapsed_to = self.sums(a) # aggregate suffix q.appendleft(collapsed_to) # prefix totals return collapsed_to
[docs] def truncate(self, subject, window): """ :param window: The amount of time in the past to retain. :type window: :py:class:`rhythm.lib.Measure` :returns: The number of records removed. :rtype: :py:class:`int` For the given object, truncate the tracked data according to the specified window of time units. All record data prior to the window will be discarded. """ # Make sure there is an element within the window and used up-to-date info d, q = self.track(subject, 0) size = len(q) # allow concurrent tracks to be performed; use the same chronometer b, a = self.split(reversed([q.popleft() for x in range(size)]), window) q.extendleft(reversed(b)) # maintain window return a
[docs] def rate(self, subject, window = None): """ :param subject: The tracked object. :type subject: :py:obj:`object` :param window: The limit of view of the rate. :type window: :py:class:`int` | :py:class:`NoneType` Construct a tuple of the (total units, total time) for the given subject and within the specified window. If no window is provided, the overall units over time will be returned. Uses the :py:meth:`sums` method to construct the product. """ if subject in self.tracking: seq = self.tracking[subject][-1] if window is not None: # limit the view to the window seq = self.split(reversed(seq), window)[0] return self.sums(seq)
[docs] def all(self, window, Measure = lib.Measure): """ overall(window) Scan the entire set of tracked objects updating their rate according to a zero-units in order to get an up-to-date snapshot of the rate of all tracked objects for the given window. .. warning:: Given the processing time necessary to calculate the totals for all tracked flows, overall may not ever be able to give an accurate answer. """ keys = list(self.tracking.keys()) total_u = 0 total_t = lib.Measure(0) track = self.track split = self.split sums = self.sums count = 0 for x in keys: count += 1 u, t = sums(split(reversed(track(x, 0)[1]), window)[0]) total_u += u total_t += t # limit the amount to the given window return (total_u, (Measure(total_t), count))