Source code for rhythm.libformat

Format and parse datetime strings.

Primarily this module exposes two functions: :py:func:`rhythm.libformat.parser`,
:py:func:`rhythm.libformat.formatter`. These functions provide access to datetime
formats defined by a standard or deemed common enough to merit a builtin implementation.

.. note:: The near future will bring a strptime and strftime implementation.

While formatting PiTs can usually occur without error, parsing them from strings
can result in a variety of errors. The parsers available in
:py:mod:`rhythm.libformat` can raise the following errors:

  This error is raised in cases where the string could not be separated by the
  known delimiters of the format.

  This error is raised when the parts of the string could not be converted.
  Normally, this means a given field was not an integer or the field was not
  found in a mapping resolving the field's value.

  This error is raised when the parts of the timestamp contradict each other.
  This error is only possible in formats that contain redundant information
  about the timestamp.
import operator
import functools
import fractions # For arbitrary subsecond representations.
import math
from . import gregorian
from . import week

class Error(Exception):

[docs]class ParseError(Error): """ The exception raised when the format of the datetime could not be parsed. """ def __init__(self, source, format = None): self.format = format self.source = source def __str__(self): return "[{0}] {1}".format(self.format, self.source)
[docs]class StructureError(Error): """ The exception raised when the structure of a parsed format could not be transformed. """ def __init__(self, source, struct, format = None): self.format = format self.struct = struct self.source = source def __str__(self): return "[{0}] ".format(self.format) + self.source + \ "\n-> " + str(self.struct)
[docs]class IntegrityError(Error): """ The exception raised when a parsed point in time is not consistent. Notably, in the RFC format, there are portions specifying intersecting parts of a timestamp. (The day of week field is arguably superfluous.) """ def __init__(self, source, struct, tuple, format = None): self.format = format self.tuple = tuple self.struct = struct self.source = source def __str__(self): return "[{0}] ".format(self.format) + self.source + \ "\n-> " + str(self.struct) + \ "\n-> " + str(self.tuple) + "\n-> " + str(self.pit)
rfc1123 = "{day_of_week}, {day:02} {month} {year} {hour:02}:{minute:02}:{second:02}" iso8601 = "{0}-{1:02}-{2:02}T{3:02}:{4:02}:{5:02}.{6}" models = { 'rfc1123' : rfc1123, 'iso8601' : iso8601, } def parse_rfc1123(s, abbrev_to_month = gregorian.month_abbreviations.__getitem__, len = len ): # be loose with the comma; don't break # if there's whitespace between the DOW and comma. comma = s.find(',') if comma == -1: raise ValueError('comma not found') day_of_week = s[:comma].strip() fields = s[comma+1:].strip().split() trail = fields[4:] day, month, year, time = fields[:4] hour, minute, second = time.split(':') timezone = None if trail: if len(trail) > 1: raise ValueError('unexpected data at end of string') timezone = trail[0] return ( ('day_of_week', day_of_week), ('year', year), ('month', month), ('day', day), ('hour', hour), ('minute', minute), ('second', second), ('timezone', timezone) ) def parse_iso8601(s, mstrip = operator.methodcaller('strip')): s = s.lower() if 't' in s: date, time = s.split('t', 1) else: date = s time = '' offset = '' if not time: hour = '0' minute = '0' second = '0' subsecond = '0' zone = ('0','0') else: # be sure to process the zone from the end. if time.endswith('z'): time = time[:-1] zone = '0:0' elif '+' in time: time, zone = time.rsplit('+', 1) elif '-' in time: _time, zone = time.rsplit('-', 1) # cover cases like: 10:-24.2340 if ':' not in _time or ':' not in zone: zone = '0:0' else: # transform adds the minute/second of the offset to the # hour/minute field. offset = '-' time = _time else: zone = '0:0' zone = zone.split(':', 1) if '.' in time: hm, subsecond = time.rsplit('.', 1) else: # no subseconds hm = time subsecond = '0' hour, minute, second = hm.split(':', 2) date = zip(('year', 'month', 'day'), map(mstrip, date.rsplit('-', 2))) return tuple(date) + ( ('hour', hour), ('minute', minute), ('second', second), ('subsecond', subsecond), ('timezone', zone), ('offset', offset), ) parsers = { 'rfc1123': parse_rfc1123, 'iso8601': parse_iso8601, } def transform_iso8601(args, get1 = operator.itemgetter(1), Fraction = fractions.Fraction ): struct = args[1] tzh, tzm = (struct['offset'] + x for x in struct['timezone']) return args + ( ( ( int(struct['year']), int(struct['month']), int(struct['day']), int(struct['hour']) + int(tzh), int(struct['minute']) + int(tzm), int(struct['second']), Fraction(int(struct['subsecond']), 10**(len(struct['subsecond']))), ), ), ) def transform_rfc1123(args, int = int): struct = args[1] month = gregorian.month_name_to_number[struct['month'].lower()] return args + ( ( ( int(struct['year']), month + 1, # for consistency with ISO. int(struct['day']), int(struct['hour']), int(struct['minute']), int(struct['second']), 0, # no subsecond ), ), ) transformers = { 'iso8601' : transform_iso8601, 'rfc1123' : transform_rfc1123, } def validate_rfc1123(args, weekdays = week.weekday_name_to_number): # check the integrity of the parse rfc1123 timestamp src, struct, tup = args if struct['timezone'].strip().lower() not in ('zulu', 'z', 'gmt', 'utc'): raise ValueError("timezone not GMT") dow = struct['day_of_week'].lower() if dow not in weekdays: raise ValueError("invalid day of week: " + dow) dow = weekdays[dow] return tup validators = { 'rfc1123': validate_rfc1123, } aliases = {'http' : 'rfc1123'} def _parse(fun, format): def EXCEPTION(src, fun = fun, format = format): try: return (src, dict(fun(src))) except ParseError: raise except Exception as e: parse_error = ParseError(src, format = format) parse_error.__cause__ = e raise parse_error functools.update_wrapper(EXCEPTION, fun) return EXCEPTION def _structure(fun, format): def EXCEPTION(state): try: return fun(state) except StructureError: raise except Exception as e: struct_error = StructureError(*state, format = format) struct_error.__cause__ = e raise struct_error functools.update_wrapper(EXCEPTION, fun) return EXCEPTION def _integrity(fun, format): def EXCEPTION(state): try: return fun(state) except IntegrityError: raise except Exception as e: integ_error = IntegrityError(*state, format = format) integ_error.__cause__ = e raise integ_error functools.update_wrapper(EXCEPTION, fun) return EXCEPTION
[docs]def parser(fmt, _deref = aliases.get, _getn1 = operator.itemgetter(-1)): """ Given a format idenifier, return the function that can be used to parse the formatted string into a Point instance. """ fmt = _deref(fmt, fmt) def parser_composition( x, integ = _integrity(validators.get(fmt, _getn1), fmt), struct = _structure(transformers[fmt], fmt), parse = _parse(parsers[fmt], fmt), ): return integ(struct(parse(x)))[0] return parser_composition
def format_rfc1123(pitt, subsec, dow, _fmt = models['rfc1123'].format, month_abbrev = gregorian.month_abbreviations.__getitem__, dow_abbrev = week.weekday_abbreviations.__getitem__, ): y, m, d, h, min, s = pitt return _fmt( year = y, month = month_abbrev(m-1).capitalize(), day = d, hour = h, minute = min, second = s, day_of_week = dow_abbrev(dow).capitalize(), timezone = 'GMT' ) def format_iso8601(pitt, subsec, dow, _fmt = models['iso8601'].format, _log = math.log10 ): subsec = str(subsec[0]).rjust(int(_log(subsec[1])), "0") return _fmt(*(pitt + (subsec,))) formatters = { 'rfc1123' : format_rfc1123, 'iso8601' : format_iso8601, }
[docs]def formatter(fmt, _deref = aliases.get): """ Given a format idenifier, return the function that can be used to format the Point in time. """ return formatters[_deref(fmt, fmt)]
formats = { 'iso' : 'iso8601', 'rfc' : 'rfc1123', } def context(context): for k,id in formats.items(): fmt = formatter(id) par = parser(id) def unpack_and_format(x, arg, fmt = fmt): sub = (, 'second'), x.context.convert('second', x.unit, 1)) return fmt('datetime'), sub,'day', 'week')) def parse_and_unpack(typ, txt, par = par): *datetime, subsec = par(txt) return [('datetime', datetime), ('subsecond', subsec)] context.container(k, unpack_and_format, parse_and_unpack)