Source code for rhythm.libunit

Defines the time Context that constructs unit types and manages their
relationship to other unit types.

The contents of this module are largely the mechanics under the hood and should
not be used directly.

import collections
import fractions
import functools
import operator
from . import abstract

[docs]class Unit(int): """ The base class for Measures and Points subclasses across all Time Contexts. """ __slots__ = () @classmethod def construct(typ, units, parts, start = 0, op = operator.add, Queue = collections.deque, int = int ): d = Queue() # for opening containers popleft = d.popleft append = d.append prepend = d.appendleft terms = {} # Keyword processing. First, combine like terms. append(parts.items()) containers = typ.context.containers convert = typ.context.convert getterm = typ.context.terms.get target_unit = typ.unit target_term = getterm(target_unit) total = start # currently containers can return containers, # thus this. :( while d: parts = popleft() for unit, value in parts: # a given unit is an expression of a "term". # years are an expression of months # seconds are an expression of days term = getterm(unit) if term is None: # not a term, assume that it's a container. prepend(containers[unit][1](typ, value)) # open container unit elif term == target_term: # simple conversion is needed for like-term units. total = op(total, convert(unit, target_unit, value)) else: # not a like term. sum up all the unlike terms for later conversion. terms[term] = terms.get(term, 0) + convert(unit, term, value) # apply units for x in units: total = op(total, convert(x.unit, target_unit, (int(x) + x.datum))) for term, value in terms.items(): # first convert the existing total to the unlike-term units. # this gives context for the term's value. ctx = convert(target_unit, term, total) # maintain the difference (conversion remainder) dif = total - convert(term, target_unit, ctx) # apply the like term value to the ctx local = op(ctx, value) # convert both back to the target unit and # apply the difference to the actual total total = convert(term, target_unit, local) + dif return typ(int(total) - typ.datum) @classmethod def of(typ, *units, **parts): return typ.construct(units, parts) def update(self, part = None, replacement = None, of = None, align = 0): # adjust self by the difference of the new value and the selection. return self.construct((self,), { part: replacement -, of = of, align = align) }) def truncate(self, unit, int = int): return self.construct((), {unit:}) def select(self, part, of = None, align = 0): if part in self.context.containers: # container type? no need for conversions. return self.context.containers[part][0](self, of) elif of is None: # no of-whole? just convert and return return int(self.context.convert(self.unit, part, self + self.datum)) convert = self.context.convert # A few significant factors in selection. this_unit = self.unit # What is the term of the part and of-whole? part_term = self.context.terms[part] of_term = self.context.terms[of] if of_term == self.liketerm: # The requested part is of the same term as the instance. # A simple modulus does the trick. boundary = convert(of, this_unit, 1) selection = self % boundary else: # the of_term is not a liketerm, convert self to the of_term. total = self + self.datum unlike_selection = convert(this_unit, of, total) if part_term == of_term: # the part term is the same as the of_term, # so get the base selection. boundary = convert(of, part, 1) selection = convert(of, part, unlike_selection) % boundary this_unit = part else: boundary = convert(of, this_unit, unlike_selection) selection = total - boundary if align: # after getting the selection offset = convert(part, this_unit, 1) * align selection = (selection + offset) % boundary return int(selection * self.context.compose(this_unit, part))
class Measure(Unit): __slots__ = () @property def start(self): return self.__class__(0) @property def stop(self): return self def __neg__(self): return self.__class__(super().__neg__()) def __abs__(self): return self.__class__(super().__abs__()) def __str__(self): return str( def __repr__(self, format = "{2}{0}.of({1})".format): # XXX: this is clearly stupid slow if self < 0: sign = '-' sub = -self else: sign = '' sub = self seq = self.context.measure_repr[self.liketerm] prev = None fields = [] for x in seq: y =, prev) prev = x if y: sub = sub.elapse(**{x: -y}) fields.append('{0}={1!s}'.format(x,y)) return format( self.__name__, ', '.join(fields), sign ) def __contains__(self, t): return 0 <= t < self def elapse(self, *args, **parts): return self.of(self, *args, **parts) adjust = elapse def increase(self, *units, **parts): return self.construct(units, parts, start = self) def decrease(self, *units, **parts): return self.construct(units, parts, start = self, op = operator.sub) abstract.Measure.register(Measure) class Point(Unit): @property def start(self): return self @property def stop(self): return self.__class__(self + self.magnitude) def __contains__(self, t): return (self + self.datum) == # XXX: depending on a definition in .lib; stop it! def __str__(self): return'iso') def __repr__(self, format = "{0}.of(iso={1})".format): return format(self.__name__, repr('iso'))) def rollback(self, *units, **parts): return self.construct(units, parts, start = self + self.datum, op = operator.sub) def elapse(self, *units, **parts): return self.construct(units, parts, start = self + self.datum) def measure(self, pit): return self.Measure(pit - self) abstract.Measure.register(Point)
[docs]class Range(tuple): """ A range between two points, inclusive on the start, but non-inclusive on the end. If the start is greater than the end, the direction is implied to be negative. """ __slots__ = () @property def magnitude(self): return abs(self.start.measure(self.stop)) @property def direction(self): return self.start.measure(self.stop) // abs(self.magnitude) def __contains__(self, pit): # XXX: doesn't consider direction point = pit.measure(self.start) if point < 0: return False mag = self.stop.measure(self.start) return point < mag def __iter__(self): return self.points() @property def start(self): return self[0] @property def stop(self): return self[1]
[docs] def points(self, step = None): """ Iterate through all the points between range according to the given step. """ start = self.start stop = self.stop # init the step if step is None: # default to the start's type step = start.Measure(start.magnitude) dir = self.direction # if start < stop, -1 else 1 # adjust step according to the direction step = step.__class__(dir * step) pos = start while pos < stop: yield pos pos = pos.elapse(step)
[docs]class Context(object): """ A container for time units and transformations. .. warning:: **The APIs here are subject to change.** """ def __init__(self): # opaque transformations self.datums = {} self.terms = {} # grouping of like-terms self.bridges = {} # convert between unlike-terms self.ratios = {} # specifies ratios between like-terms self.containers = {} # "terms" containing sets of terms. self.measures = {} # scalar types self.measure_repr = {} # term to unit sequence to build out Scalar repr() self.points = {} # PointInTime types self.names = {} # unit names self.constants = {}
[docs] def declare(self, id, datum): """ Declare a fundamental unit for use in a context. All defined, :py:meth:`rhythm.libunit.Context.define`, units are defined in terms of a declared unit. """ if not id.isidentifier(): raise ValueError("unit names must be valid identifiers") self.ratios[id] = {id : fractions.Fraction(1,1)} # unit-to-unit is 1-to-1 self.terms[id] = id self.measures[id] = {} self.points[id] = {} self.datums[id] = datum
[docs] def define(self, id, term, exponent, base = 10): """ Defines a Unit in terms of another unit. """ if not id.isidentifier(): raise ValueError("unit names must be valid identifiers") termu = self.terms[term] self.terms[id] = termu self.ratios[termu][id] = self.ratios[termu][term] * (base ** exponent)
[docs] def bridge(self, from_unit, to_unit, transformer): """ Note a "bridge" between two units. In the case where a unit cannot not be resolved from its definitions, bridges can be used to perform the conversion. """ self.bridges[(from_unit,to_unit)] = transformer
def container(self, id, pack, unpack): if not id.isidentifier(): raise ValueError("container names must be valid identifiers") self.containers[id] = (pack, unpack) def constant(self, id, value): self.constants[id] = value @functools.lru_cache()
[docs] def compose(self, from_unit, to_unit): """ Compose two ratios into another so that the `from_unit` can be converted into the `to_unit`. """ ratios = self.ratios[self.terms[from_unit]] r = ratios[from_unit] / ratios[to_unit] ir = int(r) if ir == r: return ir else: return r
[docs] def convert(self, from_unit, to_unit, value): """ Convert the `value` into `to_unit` from the `from_unit`. """ if from_unit in self.containers: pkg = self.containers[from_unit][1](value) return sum([ self.convert(part, to_unit, value) for part, value in pkg ]) else: from_term = self.terms[from_unit] to_term = self.terms[to_unit] if from_term == to_term: # like terms, multiple by the composed ratio return value * self.compose(from_unit, to_unit) else: # convert to bridge type, bridge, then from bridge type. bu = value * self.compose(from_unit, from_term) bdu = self.bridges[(from_term, to_term)](bu) return bdu * self.compose(to_term, to_unit)
def new_measure_class(self, id, qname = None): Measure = self.measure_factory(id, qname) # ABC registration abstract.Time.register(Measure) # Associate with related unit. self.measures[Measure.liketerm][Measure.unit] = Measure return Measure def new_point_class(self, Measure, qname = None): Point = self.point_factory(Measure, qname) # ABC registration abstract.Point.register(Point) # Associate with related unit. self.points[Point.liketerm][Point.unit] = Point return Point def datum_for_point(self, to_unit): return int(self.convert( self.terms[to_unit], to_unit, self.datums[self.terms[to_unit]] )) def point_from_unit(self, unit): return self.points[self.terms[unit]][unit] def represent(self, term, unitseq): self.measure_repr[term] = unitseq
[docs] def point_factory(self, Measure, qname, Class = Point, point_magnitude = 1): """ Construct a Point class from the given scalar. """ class Point(Class): __slots__ = () __name__ = qname unit = Measure.unit name = datum = self.datum_for_point(Measure.unit) # vector properties magnitude = point_magnitude # Vector is: Point -> Point+magnitude context = self liketerm = self.terms[Measure.unit] Point.Measure = Measure return Point
[docs] def measure_factory(self, id, qname, Class = Measure, name = None, address = None): """ Construct a measure with the designated unit identifier and class. """ proper_name = name or id # Build constructors/classes for the parameterized unit. class Measure(Class): __slots__ = () __name__ = qname unit = id name = proper_name datum = 0 context = self liketerm = self.terms[id] return Measure
[docs]def standard_context(qname): """ Construct the standard time context from the modules in rhythm. """ from . import earth from . import metric from . import week from . import gregorian from . import libformat from . import libzone context = Context() # Most practical time units are actually related to a day. # Here, we declare the datum for day based PiTs context.declare('day', 5 * ((((365*4) + 1) * 100) - 3) + 1) # Likewise, Month PiTs are relative to Y2K context.declare('month', 2000*12) # NOTE: The month offset and day offset are *not* equal. # Day offsets are relative to the beginning of the first week # in Y2K in order to aid week updates. earth.context(context) gregorian.context(context) week.context(context) metric.context(context) libformat.context(context) # 'iso' and 'rfc' containers context.represent('day', [ 'petasecond', 'annum', 'week', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', 'millisecond', 'microsecond', 'nanosecond', ]) context.represent('month', [ 'millennium', 'century', 'decade', 'year', 'month', ]) measures = ( context.new_measure_class( 'nanosecond', qname = (qname + '.Measure')), context.new_measure_class( 'day', qname = qname + '.Days'), context.new_measure_class( 'week', qname = qname + '.Weeks'), context.new_measure_class( 'month', qname = qname + '.Months'), ) points = ( context.new_point_class( measures[0], qname = qname + '.Timestamp'), context.new_point_class( measures[1], qname = qname + '.Date'), context.new_point_class( measures[2], qname = qname + '.Week'), context.new_point_class( measures[3], qname = qname + '.GregorianMonth') ) unix_delta = ( points[0].datum - points[0].of(date=(1970,1,1)).measure( points[0].of(date=(2000,1,2)) ).select(points[0].unit) ) # XXX: pretty much assuming the desired/possible precision of `x` here.. def unpack_unix(typ, x, delta = unix_delta): return ('nanosecond', int(x * 1000000000) + delta), def pack_unix(pit, arg, delta = unix_delta): return ( - delta) / 1000000 context.container('unix', pack_unix, unpack_unix) context.constant('unix', unix_delta) return (context, measures, points)