Utilities for working with Softwarefabrica Django Wiki

About this document

This document describes the command-line utilities provided to work with wikis implemented using Softwarefabrica Django Wiki.



The included command-line utilities are:

  • 'sf-import-twiki': converts a TWiki wiki into a softwarefabrica wiki
  • 'sf-wiki-sync': synchronizes a wiki across multiple machines


The sf-import-twiki command converts a TWiki wiki, importing it into a softwarefabrica wiki, along with all its attachments. Please run the utility with --help for more information:

sf-import-twiki --help


The sf-wiki-sync synchronizes a wiki across multiple installations. Please run the utility with --help for more information:

sf-wiki-sync --help

WARNING: this utility is currently under development, and not yet ready for production use.