sphinxjp.shibukawa extension README ==================================== This is a sphinx extension which render calendar by using `Google Chart `_ . source: .. code-block:: text .. schedule:: item1: 10/1 - 10/3 item2: 10/4 - 10/6 item3: 10/5 - 10/7 rendered: .. schedule:: item1: 10/1 - 10/3 item2: 10/4 - 10/6 item3: 10/5 - 10/7 Who's shibukawa? ================ Yoshiki Shibukawa (@shibukawa) is great Sphinx evangelist in Japan. This module is one of gifts for his birthday (11/14)! Setting ======= You can see available package at `PyPI `_. You can get source code at http://bitbucket.org/tk0miya/ Install ------- .. code-block:: bash $ easy_install sphinxjp.shibukawa Configure Sphinx ---------------- To enable this extension, add ``sphinxjp.shibukawa`` module to extensions option at :file:`conf.py`. .. code-block:: python # Enabled extensions extensions = ['sphinxjp.shibukawa'] Directive ========= .. describe:: .. schedule:: This directive insert a calendar into the generated document. schedule directive takes code block as source script. Examples:: .. schedule:: item1: 10/1 - 10/3 item2: 10/4 - 10/6 item3: 10/5 - 10/7 .. schedule:: item1: 10/1 - 10/3 item2: 10/4 - 10/6 item3: 10/5 - 10/7 You can change interval of date labels using `interval` option. Examples:: .. schedule:: :interval: 2 item1: 10/1 - 10/3 item2: 10/4 - 10/6 item3: 10/5 - 10/7 .. schedule:: :interval: 2 item1: 10/1 - 10/3 item2: 10/4 - 10/6 item3: 10/5 - 10/7 Repository ========== This code is hosted by Bitbucket. https://bitbucket.org/tk0miya/sphinxjp.shibukawa