********************* About these documents ********************* These documents are generated from `reStructuredText `_ sources by *Sphinx*, an excellent document processor specifically written for the Python documentation by Georg Brandl and contributors. Development of this documentation is organized by Uli Fouquet (``uli at gnufix dot de``). We're always looking for volunteers wanting to help with the docs, so feel free to send a mail there! Many thanks go to: * the `docutils `_ project for creating reStructuredText and the docutils suite; * Georg Brandl for his `sphinx` package. See :ref:`reporting-bugs` for information how to report bugs in Python itself. The `ulif.openoffice` documentation toolchain ============================================= Grok now makes use of the ``sphinx`` package, which was written by Georg Brandl and volunteers, to generate the official Python documentation. Sphinx is able to generate HTML as well as LaTeX and HTMLHelp formats. The latter is currently not supported by `ulif.openoffice`. How can I generate nice HTML/LaTeX/PDF documentation for `ulif.openoffice`? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have run ``bin/buildout``, than you're nearly finished. This will generate some scripts in the ``bin/`` directory. Just run:: $ bin/sphinx-build doc/source doc/build/html to generate the HTML documentation. The docs will be placed in doc/build/html/ For LaTeX/PDF docs you must have LaTeX and ``pdflatex`` installed. If you want PDF docs, you have to perform two steps. 1) Run:: $ bin/sphinx-build -b latex doc/source doc/build/latex which will generate .tex files and appropriate Makefiles in ``doc/build/latex``. 2) Then change to ``doc/buid/latex`` and do:: $ make The latter will run `pdflatex` to generate the PDF documents. Any warnings during the document processing can be ignored for the time being. You can run each of the scripts with the `-h` option to see other available options. How to tweak the layout/settings of the documentation toolchain --------------------------------------------------------------- The general settings of documentation generated by ``sphinx`` and `ulif.openoffice` are settable in a file ``conf.py`` which must be in the source root directory of your docs. Have a look at ``doc/source/conf.py`` for deeper insights.