Source code for webunit2.response

import webunit2.utils

    from cStringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
    from StringIO import StringIO

[docs]class HttpResponse(object): """ Creates an object out of the :class:`httplib2.Response`, which is just a subclass of dict. Since we want to make the response a little easier to deal with, this class will objectify it. ``response``: dictionary like object returned from an :class:`httplib2` request. ``content``: Content returned in the body of the response. """ def __init__(self, response, content=""): self.status = "%d %s" % (response.status, response.reason) self.status_int = response.status self.status_reason = response.reason self.content_type = response.get('content-type') self.cookies = webunit2.utils.parse_cookies(response.get('set-cookie')) self.body = content self.body_file = StringIO(self.body) self.raw_headers = dict(response)
[docs] def assertInBody(self, content, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns `True` if ``content`` appears in the body of the response, `False` if not. """ return content in self.body
[docs] def assertNotInBody(self, content, *args, **kwargs): return not self.assertInBody(content)
[docs] def assertStatus(self, status, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns `True` if ``status`` was the status code received by this response, `False` if not. """ return status == self.status_int
[docs] def assertNotStatus(self, status, *args, **kwargs): return not self.assertStatus(status)
[docs] def assertHeader(self, name, value=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns `True` if ``name`` was in the headers and, if ``value`` is True, whether or not the values match, or `False` otherwise. """ return name in self.raw_headers and ( True if value is None else self.raw_headers[name] == value)
[docs] def assertNotHeader(self, name, value=None, *args, **kwargs): return not self.assertHeader(name, value)
[docs] def assertCookie(self, name, value=None, attrs={}, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns `True` if: - the cookie name appears in the response - if value is not None, the values are equal - if any of the attributes match For example, to check to see if the HttpOnly and path attribute are set:: assertCookie("cookie_name", attrs={'HttpOnly': True, "Path": "/"}) """ name = name.lower() if name not in self.cookies: return False if value is not None and self.cookies[name][name] != value: return False cookie = self.cookies[name] for k, v in attrs.items(): k = k.lower() if k not in cookie or cookie[k] != v: return False return True
[docs] def assertNotCookie(self, name, value=None, attrs={}, *args, **kwargs): return not self.assertCookie(name, value, attrs)