Developing :mod:`zope.pytest` ***************************** You want to contribute to :mod:`zope.pytest`? Great! Please talk to us our on our :ref:`mailing list ` about your plans! Sources ------- `zope.pytest` source code is maintained on Zope subversion repository: You can check out `zope.pytest` using `Subversion`_ (SVN). .. _`Subversion`: Feel free to checkout `zope.pytest` from Zope repository if you want to hack on it, and send us a request when you want us to merge your improvements. Development install of `zope.pytest` ------------------------------------ `zope.pytest` requires Python 2.5 or 2.6. To install `zope.pytest` for development, first check it out, then run the buildout:: $ python -d $ bin/buildout This uses Buildout_. Don't worry, that's all you need to know to get going. The ``-d`` option is to use Distribute_ instead of Setuptools_ and is optional. The buildout process will download and install all dependencies for `zope.pytest`. .. _Buildout: .. _Distribute: .. _Setuptools: Tests ----- To run the tests:: $ bin/py.test This uses `py.test`_. We love tests, so please write some if you want to contribute. There are many examples of tests in the ``test_*.py`` modules. .. _`py.test`: Test coverage ------------- To get a test coverage report:: $ bin/py.test --cov zope.pytest To get a report with more details:: bin/py.test --cov-report html --cov zope.pytest The results will be stored in a subdirectory ``htmlcov``. You can point a web browser to its ``index.html`` to get a detailed coverage report. Building the documentation -------------------------- To build the documentation using Sphinx_:: $ cd doc/ $ make html .. _Sphinx: If you use this command, all the dependencies will have been set up for Sphinx so that the API documentation can be automatically extracted from the `zope.pytest` source code. The docs source is in ``doc/``, the built documentation will be available in ``doc/_build/html``. We also have to support for testing the docs. These tests can be run in the ``doc`` dir as well:: $ make doctest Releasers should make sure that all tests pass. Python with `zope.pytest` on the sys.path ----------------------------------------- It's often useful to have a project and its dependencies available for import on a Python prompt for experimentation: $ bin/devpython You can now import `zope.pytest`:: >>> import zope.pytest You can also run your own scripts with this custom interpreter if you like:: $ bin/devpython This can be useful for quick experimentation. When you want to use `zope.pytest` in your own projects you would normally include it in your project's ```` dependencies instead. Releases -------- The buildout also installs `zest.releaser`_ which can be used to make automatic releases to PyPI (using ``bin/fullrelease``). .. _`zest.releaser`: