Using Zope 2 InstanceΒΆ

The use of Zope 2 Instance is best demonstrated by example. The buildout.cfg below shows all the elements of the recipe you are likely to need:

  • You should lock down the versions of packages used to those in the “known good set” for the Zope version you are targetting using an extends key pointing at the configuration containing the relevent “known good set”.
  • You specify the name of the deployment section the instance should use with the deployment key.
  • Any extension packages you wish to use in your instance, such as those containing Zope Products, should be specified in the eggs key.
  • The full contents of the zope.conf you require should be put in the key of the same name. You should use buildout’s templating to define the paths required within zope.conf. In particular, you should use the locations provided by the deployment section to build the paths for the relevent resources, as shown in he example below.


parts = instance
# if you want to use a particular zope version, include a line
# such as:
# extends =

recipe = zope2instance:server
deployment = demo
eggs =
zope.conf =
  instancehome ${buildout:directory}
   address 8080
 %import mailinglogger
   level info
     path  ${demo:log-directory}/${demo:name}-event.log
     level info
     level   critical
 <logger access>
   level WARN
     path ${demo:log-directory}/${demo:name}-Z2.log
     format %(message)s

 <zodb_db main>
   <filestorage main>
      path ${buildout:directory}/Data.fs
   mount-point /

 <zodb_db temporary>
     name temporary storage for sessioning
   mount-point /temp_folder
   container-class Products.TemporaryFolder.TemporaryContainer

recipe = gocept.recipe.deploymentsandbox

Running the buildout will show you the locations of the normal zopectl and runzope scripts:

Installing demo.
Installing instance.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/parts/demo/etc/init.d/demo-instance-zopectl'.
Generated interpreter '/sample-buildout/parts/demo/etc/init.d/demo-instance-py'.
Generated script '/sample-buildout/parts/demo/etc/init.d/demo-instance-runzope'.

A python interpreter with a name ending in -py will also be created. This is required for runzope to work but can also be a handy way of getting a python prompt with all your packages available but without the overhead of start up a zopectl debug session.

A zope.conf will also de created in the etc-directory defined by the deployment. For the above example, it would contain:

instancehome /sample-buildout
address 8080
%import mailinglogger
level info
path  /sample-buildout/parts/demo/var/log/demo/demo-event.log
level info
level   critical
<logger access>
level WARN
path /sample-buildout/parts/demo/var/log/demo/demo-Z2.log
format %(message)s
<zodb_db main>
<filestorage main>
path /sample-buildout/Data.fs
mount-point /
<zodb_db temporary>
name temporary storage for sessioning
mount-point /temp_folder
container-class Products.TemporaryFolder.TemporaryContainer

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