
Detailed instructions thanks to Joel Obstfeld.


Use easy_install:

easy_install AutoNetkit

Depending on your operating system setup, you may need to install using sudo:

sudo easy_install AutoNetkit

Windows Installation

  1. Download Python for Windows from:

Install the package

  1. Download easy_install for Windows:

Install the package

  1. Start a command window (run cmd.exe) and cd to directory to which Python was installed (defaults to C:\Python27)

  2. cd into the Scripts directory.

  3. Install the PIP package management tool by typing:

    easy_install pip
  4. Once complete, install AutoNetkit as follows:

    pip.exe install AutoNetkit

AutoNetkit is now installed in the ‘scripts’ directory

Mac Installation

Mac OS X 10.6 includes Python 2.6.1 which is sufficient to run Autonetkit

  1. Download:
  2. Place in a directory then:

    sudo sh ./setuptools-0.6c11-py2.6.egg
  3. then install pip package management tools:

    sudo easy_install pip
  4. then install package library:

    sudo pip install AutoNetkit

Updating AutoNetkit

to perform an update of the AutoNetKit tool,


open a cmd session (run cmd.exe) cd into the scripts directory where Python has been installed (C:\Python27\Scripts), then:

pip.exe install --upgrade AutoNetkit


sudo pip install --upgrade AutoNetkit

Next Steps

Once you have installed AutoNetkit you can proceed to the Junosphere Quickstart guide.