Package mrv :: Module dge :: Class NodeBase
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Class NodeBase

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         object --+        
interface.Interface --+    
interface.iDuplicatable --+
Known Subclasses:

Base class that provides support for plugs to the superclass. It will create some simple tracking attriubtes required for the plug system to work

Nodes can compute values of their plugs if these do not have a cache.

Nodes are identified by an ID - the default graph implementation though will be okay with just having instances. It is also being used for string representations of this node

Nested Classes [hide private]
Handles per-node-instance plug connection setup and storage.
Class checking the consistency of the nodebase class before it is being created
Instance Methods [hide private]

Inherited from interface.iDuplicatable: copyTo, copyToOther, duplicate

Inherited from interface.Interface: supports

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

    Overridden from Object
__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
We require a directed graph to track the connectivity between the plugs.
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Remove ourselves from the graph and delete our connections
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Use our id as string or the default implementation
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    iDuplicatable Interface
createInstance(self, *args, **kwargs)
Create a copy of self and return it
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copyFrom(self, other, add_to_graph=True)
Just take the graph from other, but do not ( never ) duplicate it
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    Base Interface
compute(self, plug, mode)
Called whenever a plug needs computation as the value its value is not cached or marked dirty ( as one of the inputs changed )
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    ID Handling
setID(self, newID)
Set id of this node to newiD :return: previously assigned id
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Returns: ID of this instance
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toShells(self, plugs)
Returns: list of shells made from plugs and our node
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toShell(self, plug)
Returns: a plugshell as suitable to for this class
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Clear the cache of all plugs on this node - this basically forces it to recompute the next time an output plug is being queried
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plugs(self, predicate=<function <lambda> at 0x2f59cf8>)
Returns: list of dynamic plugs as defined on this node - they are usually retrieved on class level, but may be overridden on instance level
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inputPlugs(self, **kwargs)
Returns: list of plugs suitable as input
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outputPlugs(self, **kwargs)
Returns: list of plugs suitable to deliver output
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connections(self, inpt, output)
Returns: Tuples of input shells defining a connection of the given type from tuple( InputNodeOuptutShell, OurNodeInputShell ) for input connections and tuple( OurNodeOuptutShell, OutputNodeInputShell )
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Class Methods [hide private]
plugsStatic(cls, predicate=<function <lambda> at 0x2f59c08>)
Returns: list of static plugs as defined on this node - they are class members
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inputPlugsStatic(cls, **kwargs)
Returns: list of static plugs suitable as input
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outputPlugsStatic(cls, **kwargs)
Returns: list of static plugs suitable to deliver output
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filterCompatiblePlugs(cls, plugs, attrOrValue, raise_on_ambiguity=False, attr_affinity=False, attr_as_source=True)
Returns: sorted list of (rate,plug) tuples suitable to deal with the given attribute.
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Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

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We require a directed graph to track the connectivity between the plugs. It must be supplied by the super class and should be as global as required to connecte the NodeBases together properly.
  • kwargs - 'id' = id of the instance, defaults to None if it is not required
Overrides: object.__init__

Note: we are super() compatible, and assure our base is initialized correctly

(Informal representation operator)

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Use our id as string or the default implementation
Overrides: object.__str__

createInstance(self, *args, **kwargs)

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Create a copy of self and return it
new instance of self
Overrides: interface.iDuplicatable.createInstance

Note: override by subclass - the __init__ methods shuld do the rest

copyFrom(self, other, add_to_graph=True)

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Just take the graph from other, but do not ( never ) duplicate it
  • add_to_graph - if true, the new node instance will be added to the graph of
Overrides: interface.iDuplicatable.copyFrom

Note: default implementation does not copy plug caches ( which are stored in the node dict - this is because a reevaluate is usually required on the duplicated node

compute(self, plug, mode)

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Called whenever a plug needs computation as the value its value is not cached or marked dirty ( as one of the inputs changed )
  • plug - the static plug instance that requested which requested the computation. It is the instance you defined on the class
  • mode - the mode of operation. Its completely up to the superclasses how that attribute is going to be used

Note: to be implemented by superclass


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ID of this instance

toShells(self, plugs)

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list of shells made from plugs and our node

toShell(self, plug)

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a plugshell as suitable to for this class

plugsStatic(cls, predicate=<function <lambda> at 0x2f59c08>)
Class Method

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  • predicate - return static plug only if predicate is true
list of static plugs as defined on this node - they are class members

Note: Use this method only if you do not have an instance - there are nodes that actually have no static plug information, but will dynamically generate them. For this to work, they need an instance - thus the plugs method is an instance method and is meant to be the most commonly used one.

plugs(self, predicate=<function <lambda> at 0x2f59cf8>)

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  • predicate - return static plug only if predicate is true
list of dynamic plugs as defined on this node - they are usually retrieved on class level, but may be overridden on instance level

inputPlugsStatic(cls, **kwargs)
Class Method

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list of static plugs suitable as input

Note: convenience method

inputPlugs(self, **kwargs)

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list of plugs suitable as input

Note: convenience method

outputPlugsStatic(cls, **kwargs)
Class Method

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list of static plugs suitable to deliver output

Note: convenience method

outputPlugs(self, **kwargs)

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list of plugs suitable to deliver output

Note: convenience method

connections(self, inpt, output)

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  • inpt - include input connections to this node
  • output - include output connections ( from this node to others )
Tuples of input shells defining a connection of the given type from tuple( InputNodeOuptutShell, OurNodeInputShell ) for input connections and tuple( OurNodeOuptutShell, OutputNodeInputShell )

filterCompatiblePlugs(cls, plugs, attrOrValue, raise_on_ambiguity=False, attr_affinity=False, attr_as_source=True)
Class Method

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  • attrOrValue - either an attribute or the value you would like to set to the attr at the plug in question.
  • raise_on_ambiguity - if True, the method raises if a plug has the same rating as another plug already on the output list, thus it's not clear anymore which plug should handle a request
  • attr_affinity - if True, it will not check connection affinity, but attribute affinity only. It checks how compatible the attributes of the plugs are, disregarding whether they can be connected or not Only valid if attrOrValue is an attribute
  • attr_as_source - if True, attrOrValue will be treated as the source of a connection or each plug would need to take its values. if False, attrOrValue is the destination of a connection and it needs to take values of the given plugs or they would connect to it. Only used if attrOrValue is an attribute.
sorted list of (rate,plug) tuples suitable to deal with the given attribute. Thus they could connect to it as well as get their value set. Most suitable plug comes first. Incompatible plugs will be pruned.
  • TypeError - if ambiguous input was found