Package mrv :: Package maya :: Module scene :: Class Scene
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class Scene

source code

      object --+    
  util.Singleton --+
      object --+   |
               |   |
util.EventSender --+

Singleton Class allowing access to the maya scene

You can register all events available in MSceneMessage easily usnig the following syntax:

>>> scene.beforeSoftwareRender = myFunctionObject
Instance Methods [hide private]

Inherited from util.EventSender: clearAllEvents, sender

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __init__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods [hide private]

Inherited from util.EventSender: listEventNames

    Edit Methods
open(cls, scenepath=None, force=False, **kwargs)
Open the scene at the given scenepath
source code
new(cls, force=False, **kwargs)
Create a new scene
source code
rename(cls, scenepath)
Rename the currently loaded file to be the file at scenepath
source code
save(cls, scenepath=None, autodeleteUnknown=False, **kwargs)
Save the currently opened scene under scenepath in the respective format
source code
export(cls, outputFile, nodeListOrIterable=None, **kwargs)
Export the given nodes or everything into the file at path
source code
Deletes all unknown nodes in the scene
source code
    Query Methods
name(cls) source code
isModified(cls) source code
Static Methods [hide private]

Inherited from util.Singleton: __new__

Class Variables [hide private]
  kFileTypeMap = {"": "mayaAscii", ".ma": "mayaAscii", ".mb": "m...

Inherited from util.EventSender: reraise_on_error

  sender_as_argument = False
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

open(cls, scenepath=None, force=False, **kwargs)
Class Method

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Open the scene at the given scenepath
  • scenepath - The path to the file to be opened If None, the currently loaded file will reopened
  • force - if True, the new scene will be loaded although currently loaded contains unsaved changes
  • kwargs - passed to cmds.file
a Path to the loaded scene

new(cls, force=False, **kwargs)
Class Method

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Create a new scene
  • force - if True, the new scene will be created even though there are unsaved modifications
  • kwargs - passed to cmds.file
Path with name of the new file

rename(cls, scenepath)
Class Method

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Rename the currently loaded file to be the file at scenepath
  • scenepath - string or Path pointing describing the new location of the scene.
Path to scenepath
  • RuntimeError - if the scene's extension is not supported.

Note: as opposed to the normal file -rename it will also adjust the extension

save(cls, scenepath=None, autodeleteUnknown=False, **kwargs)
Class Method

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Save the currently opened scene under scenepath in the respective format
  • scenepath - if None, the currently opened scene will be saved, otherwise the name will be changed. Paths leading to the file will automatically be created.
  • autodeleteUnknown - if true, unknown nodes will automatically be deleted before an attempt is made to change the maya file's type
  • kwargs - passed to cmds.file
Path at which the scene has been saved.

export(cls, outputFile, nodeListOrIterable=None, **kwargs)
Class Method

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Export the given nodes or everything into the file at path
  • outputFile - Path object or path string to which the data should be written to. Parent directories will be created as needed
  • nodeListOrIterable - if None, everything will be exported. Otherwise it may be an MSelectionList ( recommended ), or a list of Nodes, MObjects or MDagPaths
  • kwargs - passed to cmds.file, see the mel docs for modifying flags
Path to which the data was exported

Class Method

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Deletes all unknown nodes in the scene

Note: only do this if you are about to change the type of the scene during save or export - otherwise the operation would fail if there are still unknown nodes in the scene

Class Variable Details [hide private]


{"": "mayaAscii", ".ma": "mayaAscii", ".mb": "mayaBinary"}