mrv :: maya :: ui :: base :: NamedUI :: Class NamedUI
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class NamedUI

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         object --+        
         basestring --+    
                unicode --+
             object --+   |
                      |   |
                 BaseUI --+
         object --+       |
                  |       |
interface.Interface --+   |
                      |   |
     interface.iDagItem --+
         object --+       |
                  |       |
   util.EventSender --+   |
                      |   |
     util.EventSenderUI --+

Implements a simple UI element having a name and most common methods one can apply to it. Derived classes should override these if they can deliver a faster implementation. If the 'name' keyword is supplied, an existing UI element will be wrapped


As subclass of EventSenderUI, it can provide events that are automatically added by the metaclass as described by the _events_ attribute list. This allows any number of clients to register for one maya event. Derived classes may also use their own events which is useful if you create components

Register for an event like:

>>> uiinstance.e_eventlongname = yourFunction( sender, *args, **kwargs )
>>> *args and **kwargs are determined by maya

Note: although many access methods look quite 'repeated' as they are quite similar except for a changing flag, they are hand-written to provide proper docs for them

Nested Classes [hide private]
Builds the base hierarchy for the given classname based on our typetree.

Inherited from util.EventSenderUI (private): _UIEvent

Instance Methods [hide private]
Returns: string of the parent, without a wrap
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If overridden in subclass, it will be called once the UI gets deleted within maya ( i.e.
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Returns: the python class able to create this class
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Returns: shortname of the ui ( name without pipes )
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Delete this UI - the wrapper instance must not be used after this call
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Returns: True if this instance still exists in maya
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Inherited from unicode: __add__, __contains__, __eq__, __format__, __ge__, __getattribute__, __getitem__, __getnewargs__, __getslice__, __gt__, __hash__, __le__, __len__, __lt__, __mod__, __mul__, __ne__, __rmod__, __rmul__, __sizeof__, __str__, capitalize, center, count, decode, encode, endswith, expandtabs, find, format, index, isalnum, isalpha, isdecimal, isdigit, islower, isnumeric, isspace, istitle, isupper, join, ljust, lower, lstrip, partition, replace, rfind, rindex, rjust, rpartition, rsplit, rstrip, split, splitlines, startswith, strip, swapcase, title, translate, upper, zfill

Inherited from unicode (private): _formatter_field_name_split, _formatter_parser

Inherited from interface.Interface: supports

Inherited from util.EventSender: clearAllEvents, sender

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __subclasshook__

    Overridden Methods
a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
If name is given, the newly created UI will wrap the UI with the given name.
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__setattr__(self, attr, value)
Prevent properties or events that do not exist to be used by anyone, everything else is allowed though
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__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
Initialize instance and check arguments
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Returns: True if this instance still exists in maya
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Returns: True if this instance still exists in maya
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    Query Methods
children(self, **kwargs)
Returns: all intermediate child instances
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childrenDeep(self, **kwargs)
Returns: all child instances recursively
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Returns: parent instance of this ui element
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Inherited from interface.iDagItem: basename, isPartOf, isRoot, isRootOf, parentDeep, root


Inherited from interface.iDagItem: iterParents

    Name Generation

Inherited from interface.iDagItem: fullChildName

Class Methods [hide private]

Inherited from util.EventSender: listEventNames

    Overridden Methods
_exists(cls, uiname)
Returns: 1 if the given UI element exists, 0 if it does not exist and 2 it exists but the passed in name does not guarantee there are not more objects with the same name
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    Hierachy Handling
Returns: NameUI of the currently set parent
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    Name Generation

Inherited from interface.iDagItem: addSep

Class Variables [hide private]
  _is_menu = False

Inherited from BaseUI: __melcmd__

Inherited from interface.iDagItem: kOrder_BreadthFirst, kOrder_DepthFirst

Inherited from util.EventSenderUI: reraise_on_error, sender_as_argument

  _sep = "|"
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

_exists(cls, uiname)
Class Method

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1 if the given UI element exists, 0 if it does not exist and 2 it exists but the passed in name does not guarantee there are not more objects with the same name

__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)

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If name is given, the newly created UI will wrap the UI with the given name. Otherwise the UIelement will be created
  • kwargs -
    • name:

      name of the user interface to wrap or the target name of a new elf element. Valid names for creation are short names ( without a | in it's path ), valid names for wrapping are short and preferably long names.

    • wrap_only:

      if True, default False, a wrap will be done even if the passed in name uses the short form ( for non-window elements ). If it exists, one cannot be sure whether more elements with the given name exist. If False, the system will create a new element of our type.

    • force_creation:

      if True, default False, a new item will be created even if an item with the given name uniquely exists. This might be necessary that you wish to create the given named item under the current parent, although an item with that name might already exist below another parent. This is required if you have a short name only

Returns: a new object with type S, a subtype of T
Overrides: object.__new__
  • you can use args safely for your own purposes
  • if name is set but does not name a valid user interface, a new one will be created, and passed to the constructor

(Representation operator)

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Overrides: object.__repr__
(inherited documentation)

__setattr__(self, attr, value)

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Prevent properties or events that do not exist to be used by anyone, everything else is allowed though
Overrides: object.__setattr__

__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

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Initialize instance and check arguments
Overrides: object.__init__

children(self, **kwargs)

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  • predicate - return True to include x in result
all intermediate child instances
Overrides: interface.iDagItem.children
  • the order of children is lexically ordered at this time
  • this implementation is slow and should be overridden by more specialized subclasses

childrenDeep(self, **kwargs)

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  • order - order enumeration
  • predicate - returns true if x may be returned
all child instances recursively
Overrides: interface.iDagItem.childrenDeep
  • the order of children is lexically ordered at this time
  • this implementation is slow and should be overridden by more specialized subclasses


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string of the parent, without a wrap

Note: this helps mainly as a workaround for a maya 2011 issues, causing objectTypeUI not to work on many items


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parent instance of this ui element
Overrides: interface.iDagItem.parent

Class Method

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NameUI of the currently set parent
  • RuntimeError - if no active parent was set


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If overridden in subclass, it will be called once the UI gets deleted within maya ( i.e. the user closed the window )eee The base implementation assures that all event-receivers that are bound to your events will be freed, allowing them to possibly be destroyed as well.

Use this callback to register yourself from all your event senders, then call the base class method.

Note: This is not related to the __del__ method of your object. Its worth noting that your instance will be strongly bound to a maya event, hence your instance will exist as long as your user interface element exists within maya.


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the python class able to create this class

Note: The return value is NOT the type string, but a class


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shortname of the ui ( name without pipes )


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True if this instance still exists in maya


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True if this instance still exists in maya


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True if this instance still exists in maya