rattail.exc Module

rattail.exc - Rattail exceptions

exception rattail.exc.AlreadyInitialized

Raised when the Rattail framework is initialized for a second time.


If you really need to initialize a second time then use rattail.reinit() instead of rattail.init().

exception rattail.exc.CoreSchemaAlreadyInstalled(installed_version)

Raised when an operation is requested which requires the core schema to be absent from the database, but such is not the case.

exception rattail.exc.CoreSchemaNotInstalled

Raised when an operation is requested which requires the core schema to have already been installed to the database, but such is not the case.

exception rattail.exc.EngineConnectionError(error)

Raised when a connection to the database fails.

exception rattail.exc.ExtensionNotFound(extension_name)

Raised when an extension is requested which cannot be located.

exception rattail.exc.ExtensionRequired(extension_name)

Raised when an extension is (implicitly or explicitly) required, but is not found to be active.

exception rattail.exc.ExtensionWithoutSchema(extension)

Raised in rattail.ext.install_extension_schema(), if the extension being installed does not provide a SQLAlchemy-Migrate repository.

exception rattail.exc.NoDefaultEngine

Raised when an operation is requested which requires a default engine, but one has yet to be defined (via rattail.config or otherwise).

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