rattail.ext Module

rattail.ext - Rattail’s extension framework

Extensions allow Rattail’s schema and classes to be manipulated, so they may provide additional functionality and customization. See Rattail Extensions for more info.

Also see the rattail.FrameworkExtension class.


rattail.ext.activate_extension(extension, engine=None)

Activates an extension by installing its schema and registering it within the database, and immediately applies it to the live framework.

rattail.ext.deactivate_extension(extension, engine=None)

Uninstalls the extension’s schema and immediately requests it to restore the framework.


Reads all active extensions from the database and requests each to extend the live framework.


Returns a rattail.FrameworkExtension instance based on an extension name, assuming it exists. If not then an rattail.exc.ExtensionNotFound exception is raised.

rattail.ext.install_extension_schema(extension, engine=None, version=None)

Installs an extension’s schema to the database and adds version control for it. The latest version is assumed unless a specific version number is provided.

rattail.ext.uninstall_extension_schema(extension, engine=None)

Uninstalls tables and removes SQLAlchemy-Migrate version control for the extension.

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