Buildout recipes for Django

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Latest release:1.0


Djangout implements some Buildout recipes for Django.

The recipes

admin_media: Load the absolute path to the media files in Django Admin

The admin_media recipe loads the absolute path to the media files in Django Admin into a Buildout part, so you can refer to this path from other recipes (i.e., in order to let the Web server serve those static files).

This recipe doesn’t take any option, so you can just use the following:

parts = django_admin

recipe = djangout:admin_media

And the path to this directory will be available from any part/recipe as ${django_admin:admin_media_root}.


You can use this variable to generate an Apache virtual host configuration from a template like the one below:

  # ...

  Alias /admin_media ${django_admin:admin_media_root}

  <Directory ${django_admin:admin_media_root}>
    Order deny,allow
    Allow from all

  # ...

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