Installing and Upgrading

This chapter describes the requirements, dependencies and steps necessary to install or upgrade everyapp.bootstrap.


everyapp.bootstrap requires the follow pre-requisites in order to function:

  • A POSIX (Linux, Mac OS X) or Windows system
  • Python ≥ 2.4, < 3.0, or maybe Python 2.3 and the sub-process module

Development systems have the following additional requirements:

  • Mercurial to clone the source code repository
  • unix2dos on POSIX systems to ensure consistent line endings
  • Latex for PDF documentation generation (optional)


everyapp.bootstrap only depends on distribute and virtualenv. They will be installed automatically.

About Versioning

This project adheres to the Semantic Versioning 1.0.0 specification. This means, among other things, that everyapp.bootstrap will be a well-behaved dependency and that increments in the version’s patch number (the third number in the version) should never break API compatibility.

See also

The Semantic Versioning 1.0.0 specification for more information.


Installing everyapp.bootstrap is easy, but there are a few ways to do it. Just follow the instructions in one of the sections below:

Installing With pip

To install using pip, run:

pip install everyapp.bootstrap

Installing With easy_install

To install using easy_install (i.e. from distribute or setuptools), run:

easy_install everyapp.bootstrap

Installing From Archive

To install everyapp.bootstrap the old-fashioned way, download the tarball from everyapp.bootstrap on PyPI and then run:

tar -zxf everyapp.bootstrap-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
cd everyapp.bootstrap
python install


On Windows you can extract the archive using an appropriate archive tool like 7-Zip, WinZip, or a Windows version of the tar utility.

Installing From Mercurial

To install the latest development version from the Mercurial repository, run:

hg clone everyapp.bootstrap
cd everyapp.bootstrap
python install

See also

Development for additional information on developing/hacking on the development version.


Upgrading everyapp.bootstrap works very similarly to installing it. Here are some general instructions for performing the upgrade:

Upgrading With pip or easy_install

Upgrading works just like installing (see above), just add the -U option before the distribution name. E.g.:

pip install -U everyapp.bootstrap


easy_install -U everyapp.bootstrap

Upgrading From Archive

Upgrading from the distribution archive works exactly like installing from the archive. Just download the archive of the newer version and follow the installation instruction above.

Upgrading From Mercurial

If you do not already have a clone of the Mercurial repository, then just follow the installation instructions above to perform the upgrade.

If you do already have the repository cloned or kept the one from the original installation, then run the following commands instead:

cd everyapp.bootstrap
hg pull -u
python install

Final Steps


Once you have finished the upgrade, do not forget to regenerate your script in your project. See Usage for details.


The instructions above are the bare minimum necessary to perform an upgrade. Be sure to all review the changes in Release Notes for any additional adjustments you may need to perform.