
This chapter describes the licensing terms for everyapp.bootstrap and it’s constituent parts. It also provides details on the licence to which contributors automatically agree when contributing copyrightable material to this project.

Project Licence

everyapp.bootstrap is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or later (GPLv3+). This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it under certain conditions. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. For the full licence text, see Appendix A: Full Licence Text.

Documentation Licence

The documentation source files (those documentation files included in the version control system and/or in the source distribution for this project are considered source code just like the program source code. They are, therefore, also licenced under the GPLv3+ just like the rest of the project.

Additionally, all generated forms of everyapp.bootstrap‘s documentation, such as, but not limited to, HTML, EPUB, latex, PDF, man pages, etc. are also licenced under the GPLv3+, just like the rest of the project.

Licensing of Generated Files

By default, the generated bootstrap script (typically named contains code from this project as well as code from the virtualenv project. When this is the case, it is therefore also licensed under the GPLv3+ as a derivative work. Further, if a project includes this file, but does not depend on it in order to function normally, then the inclusion is considered mere aggregation and does not make the project a derivative work of everyapp.bootstrap.

All copyrights and moral rights on the the bootstrap configuration file that is generated by this distribution (bootstrap.cfg, by default) are explicitly disclaimed. It is in the public domain as it is intended to be copied and modified by anyone using this distribution.


By submitting a patch, bug report or any other copyrightable material to this project, you automatically agree to license the contribution under the Apache Software License, v. 2.0, and further agree that it may be re-licensed as necessary for inclusion in everyapp.bootstrap or other downstream projects.