Package ndg :: Package xacml :: Package core :: Module policybase :: Class PolicyBase
[hide private]

Class PolicyBase

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   object --+    
XacmlCoreBase --+
Known Subclasses:

Nested Classes [hide private]
Base class for Policy and PolicySet, each of which can be nested within PolicySets and evaluated with policy combining algorithms.
Instance Methods [hide private]
Element local name check makes this a virtual method
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evaluateResponse(self, request)
Make an access control decision for the given request based on this policy or policy set, returning a response object.
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evaluate(self, context)
Evaluate the decision for this policy or policy set and context.
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evaluateCombiningAlgorithm(self, context)
Evaluates the appropriate combining algorithm for this policy or policy set.
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Inherited from XacmlCoreBase: __getstate__

Inherited from XacmlCoreBase (private): _getXmlns, _setXmlns

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods [hide private]
fromSource(cls, source, readerFactory, finder)
Create a new policy or policy set from the input source parsing it using a reader from the required reader factory e.g.
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fromNestedSource(cls, source, common)
Create a new policy or policy set from the input source parsing it using a reader from the required reader factory e.g.
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Class Variables [hide private]
  __abstractmethods__ = frozenset(['evaluateCombiningAlgorithm',...
  _abc_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object at 0x1011d5d50>
  _abc_negative_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object at 0x1011d5dd0>
  _abc_negative_cache_version = 10
  _abc_registry = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object at 0x1011d5c10>


Properties [hide private]
Subclasses return the identifier appropriate to the class.

Inherited from XacmlCoreBase: elem, isValidXmlns, xmlns

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]


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Element local name check makes this a virtual method

  • NotImplementedError - derived classes must set ELEMENT_LOCAL_NAME to a string
Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)

fromSource(cls, source, readerFactory, finder)
Class Method

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Create a new policy or policy set from the input source parsing it using a reader from the required reader factory e.g. ETreeReaderFactory to use ElementTree based parsing.

  • source (string, file, XML node type) - source from which to read the policy - file path, file object, XML node or other dependent on the reader factory selected
  • readerFactory (ndg.xacml.parsers.AbstractReaderFactory) - factory class returns reader class used to parse the policy
  • finder (ndg.xacml.finder.PolicyFinderBase subclass) - policy finder
Returns: ndg.xacml.core.policy.Policy
new policy instance

fromNestedSource(cls, source, common)
Class Method

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Create a new policy or policy set from the input source parsing it using a reader from the required reader factory e.g. ETreeReaderFactory to use ElementTree based parsing.

  • source (string, file, XML node type) - source from which to read the policy - file path, file object, XML node or other dependent on the reader factory selected
  • readerFactory (ndg.xacml.parsers.AbstractReaderFactory) - factory class returns reader class used to parse the policy
Returns: ndg.xacml.core.policy.Policy
new policy instance

evaluateResponse(self, request)

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Make an access control decision for the given request based on this policy or policy set, returning a response object.

  • request (ndg.xacml.core.context.request.Request) - XACML request context
Returns: ndg.xacml.core.context.response.Response
XACML response instance

evaluate(self, context)

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Evaluate the decision for this policy or policy set and context.

  • context (ndg.xacml.core.context.request.Request) - XACML request context
Returns: ndg.xacml.core.context.result.Decision
XACML response instance

evaluateCombiningAlgorithm(self, context)

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Evaluates the appropriate combining algorithm for this policy or policy set.

  • context (ndg.xacml.core.request.Request) - the request context
Returns: ndg.xacml.core.context.result.Decision
result of the evaluation - the decision for this rule
  • @abstractmethod

Class Variable Details [hide private]


frozenset(['evaluateCombiningAlgorithm', 'ident'])

Property Details [hide private]


Subclasses return the identifier appropriate to the class.

Get Method:
unreachable.ident(self) - Subclasses return the identifier appropriate to the class.