Package ndg :: Package xacml :: Package parsers :: Package etree :: Module context :: Class SubjectElementTree
[hide private]

Class SubjectElementTree

source code

               object --+                
       core.XacmlCoreBase --+            
core.context.XacmlContextBase --+        
    core.context.RequestChildBase --+    
         core.context.subject.Subject --+

ElementTree based parser for XACML Request element

Instance Methods [hide private]

Inherited from core.context.subject.Subject: __init__

Inherited from core.context.RequestChildBase: __getstate__

Inherited from core.context.XacmlContextBase: __setstate__

Inherited from core.XacmlCoreBase (private): _getXmlns, _setXmlns

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods [hide private]
toXML(cls, subject)
Create an XML representation of the input XACML Subject object
source code
fromXML(cls, elem)
Parse an ElementTree XACML Subject element into a Subject object
source code
Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from core.context.subject.Subject: ELEMENT_LOCAL_NAME, SUBJECT_CATEGORY_ATTRIB_NAME

Inherited from core.context.XacmlContextBase: XACML_2_0_CONTEXT_NS, XACML_2_0_CONTEXT_NS_PREFIX

Inherited from core.XacmlCoreBase: XACML_1_0_NS_PREFIX, XACML_2_0_NS_PREFIX, XMLNS

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from core.context.subject.Subject: subjectCategory

Inherited from core.context.RequestChildBase: attributes

Inherited from core.XacmlCoreBase: elem, isValidXmlns, xmlns

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

toXML(cls, subject)
Class Method

source code 

Create an XML representation of the input XACML Subject object

  • subject (ndg.xacml.core.context.subject.Subject) - XACML subject object
Returns: ElementTree.Element
ElementTree element containing the subject

fromXML(cls, elem)
Class Method

source code 

Parse an ElementTree XACML Subject element into a Subject object

  • elem (ElementTree.Element) - ElementTree element containing the subject
Returns: ndg.xacml.core.context.subject.Subject
Subject object