Source code for ngs_plumbing.colorspace

from __future__ import absolute_import
import os, sys
import string
import itertools, warnings
import ngs_plumbing.fastq
from ngs_plumbing.fastq import write_fastq
from ngs_plumbing.fastq import read_fastq
from ngs_plumbing.fasta import write_fasta, write_qual

# compatibility with Python2
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
    _DENCODE = string.maketrans('0123.', 'ATGCN')
    _DDECODE = string.maketrans('ATGCNatgcn', '0123.0123.')
    _DENCODE = str.maketrans('0123.', 'ATGCN')
    _DDECODE = str.maketrans('ATGCNatgcn', '0123.0123.')

[docs]def dencode_seq(seq): return bytearray(seq)[1:].translate(_DENCODE)
[docs]def ddecode_seq(seq): return bytes(seq).translate(_DDECODE)
[docs]def ddecode_seq_T(seq): return b'T'+bytes(seq).translate(_DDECODE)
[docs]def ddecode_seq_G(seq): return b'G'+bytes(seq).translate(_DDECODE)
[docs]class FastqWriter(object): def __init__(self, fn, d): basename = fn[ : (fn.rfind('.'))] fn_seq = os.path.join(d, basename + '.FASTQ') if os.path.exists(fn_seq): sys.stderr.write('File %s already existing.\n' % fn_seq) sys.exit(1) self._buf = file(fn_seq, 'w')
[docs] def write(self, entry, seq_proc = None, qual_proc = None): write_fastq(self._buf, entry, seq_proc = seq_proc, qual_proc = qual_proc)
[docs] def close(self): self._buf.flush() self._buf.close()
[docs] def flush(self): self._buf.flush()
[docs]class FastaqualWriter(object): def __init__(self, fn, d): basename = fn[ : (fn.rfind('.'))] fn_seq = os.path.join(d, basename + '.FASTA') fn_qual = os.path.join(d, basename + '.QUAL') if os.path.exists(fn_seq): sys.stderr.write('File %s already existing.\n' % fn_seq) sys.exit(1) if os.path.exists(fn_qual): sys.stderr.write('File %s already existing.\n' % fn_qual) sys.exit(1) self._buf_seq = file(fn_seq, 'w') self._buf_qual = file(fn_qual, 'w')
[docs] def write(self, entry, seq_proc = None): write_fasta(self._buf_seq, entry, seq_proc = seq_proc) write_qual(self._buf_qual, entry, qual_proc = qual_proc)
[docs] def close(self): self._buf_seq.flush() self._buf_seq.close() self._buf_qual.flush() self._buf_qual.close()
[docs] def flush(self): self._buf_seq.flush() self._buf_qual.flush()
def _entry_fromfastaqual(fn): # fn: filename for the FASTA basename = fn[ : (fs.rfind('.'))] fn_qual = basename + '.QUAL' seq_iter = fasta.read_fasta(stream_seq) qual_iter = fasta.read_fasta(stream_qual) Entry = ngs_plumbing.fastq.Entry for s, q in itertools.izip(seq_iter, qual_iter): if s.header != q.header: warnings.warn('Mismatch between FASTA and QUAL headers') yield Entry(s.header, s.sequence, q.sequence)
[docs]def exec_code(): import ngs_plumbing import io import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description = 'Encode / decode files from color to base space.') parser.add_argument('paths', metavar='FILES', nargs='+', help='Files') parser.add_argument('-d', '--dir', dest = 'dest_dir', default = '.', help='directory in which resulting files should be put') parser.add_argument('-f', '--input-format-style', dest = 'input_format', choices = ('FASTA', 'FASTQ'), help = "Style of the format for the input.") parser.add_argument('-F', '--output-format-style', dest = 'output_format', choices = ('FASTA', 'FASTQ'), help = "Style of the format to output to.") parser.add_argument('-c', '--code-operation', dest = 'code_operation', choices = ('dencode', 'ddecode'), help = 'double-encode (from color space to base space) or double-decode (the other way around)') parser.add_argument('-l', '--leading-base', dest = 'leading_base', choices = ('T', 'G'), help = 'Leading base when going back to color space (T for F3, G for F5)') parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action = 'version', version = ngs_plumbing.__version__) options = parser.parse_args() for f in options.paths: if not os.path.exists(f): print('Error: Path "%s" does not exist' %f) sys.exit(1) if os.path.exists(options.dest_dir): if not os.path.isdir(options.dest_dir): print('Error: destination directory already existing (but not as a directory') sys.exit(1) else: warnings.warn('Warning: destination directory not existing; creating it.') os.mkdir(options.dest_dir) if options.input_format == 'FASTA': entry_iter = _entry_fromfastaqual else: entry_iter = read_fastq if options.code_operation == 'dencode': seq_proc = dencode_seq qual_proc = None else: if options.leading_base == 'T': seq_proc = ddecode_seq_T elif options.leading_base == 'G': seq_proc = ddecode_seq_G else: seq_proc = ddecode_seq qual_proc = None for f in options.paths: fn = os.path.basename(f) if options.output_format == 'FASTA': import ngs_plumbing.fasta entry_writer = FastaqualWriter(fn, options.dest_dir) else: import ngs_plumbing.fastq entry_writer = FastqWriter(fn, options.dest_dir) stream = io.OpenWrapper(f, 'r') progress = 0 chunk = 10000 for entry in entry_iter(stream): if (progress % chunk) == 0: sys.stdout.write('\r%s: %s entries processed.' % (f, '{:,}'.format(progress))) sys.stdout.flush() try: entry_writer.write(entry, seq_proc = seq_proc, qual_proc = qual_proc) except Exception as e: entry_writer.flush() sys.stdout.write('\r%s: %s entries processed.\n' % (f, '{:,}'.format(progress))) sys.stderr.write(str(e)) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stderr.write(str(entry)) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush() progress += 1 sys.stdout.write('\r%s: %s entries processed.\n' % (f, '{:,}'.format(progress))) sys.stdout.flush() stream.close() entry_writer.close()