Package mrv :: Module dgfe :: Class GraphNodeBase
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Class GraphNodeBase

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         object --+                
interface.Interface --+            
interface.iDuplicatable --+        
               dge.NodeBase --+    
                 FacadeNodeBase --+
Known Subclasses:

A node wrapping a graph, allowing it to be nested within the node All inputs and outputs on this node are purely virtual, thus they internally connect to the wrapped graph.

To Do: tests deletion of graphnodes and see whether they are being garbage collected. It should work with the new collector as it can handle cyclic references - these strong cycles we have a lot in this structure. Weakrefs will not work for nested facade nodes as they are tuples not allowing weak refs.

Nested Classes [hide private]

Inherited from FacadeNodeBase: shellcls

Inherited from dge.NodeBase: __metaclass__

Instance Methods [hide private]
_addIncludeNodePlugs(self, outset)
Add the plugs defined in include to the given output list
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_removeExcludedPlugs(self, outset)
remove the plugs from our exclude list and modify the outset
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Inherited from FacadeNodeBase: __getattr__, clearPlugCache

Inherited from interface.iDuplicatable: copyTo, copyToOther, duplicate

Inherited from interface.Interface: supports

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

    Base Methods
Returns: generator for nodes in our graph
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    To be Subclass-Implemented
Returns: all plugs on nodes we wrap ( as node,plug tuple )
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    Overridden from Object
__init__(self, wrappedGraph, *args, **kwargs)
Initialize the instance :param wrappedGraph: graph we are wrapping
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Inherited from dge.NodeBase: __del__, __str__

    iDuplicatable Interface
createInstance(self, **kwargs)
Create a copy of self and return it
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Inherited from FacadeNodeBase: copyFrom

    Base Interface

Inherited from dge.NodeBase: compute

    ID Handling

Inherited from dge.NodeBase: id, setID


Inherited from FacadeNodeBase: plugs

Inherited from dge.NodeBase: clearCache, connections, inputPlugs, outputPlugs, toShell, toShells

Class Methods [hide private]

Inherited from dge.NodeBase: filterCompatiblePlugs, inputPlugsStatic, outputPlugsStatic, plugsStatic

Class Variables [hide private]
  duplicate_wrapped_graph = True
  allow_auto_plugs = True
  ignore_failed_includes = False
  include = []
  exclude = []

Inherited from FacadeNodeBase: caching_enabled

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, wrappedGraph, *args, **kwargs)

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Initialize the instance :param wrappedGraph: graph we are wrapping
  • kwargs - 'id' = id of the instance, defaults to None if it is not required
Overrides: object.__init__

createInstance(self, **kwargs)

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Create a copy of self and return it
new instance of self
Overrides: interface.iDuplicatable.createInstance


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generator for nodes in our graph

Note: derived classes could override this to just return a filtered view on their nodes


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Implement this as if it was your plugs method - it will be called by the base - your result needs processing before it can be returned
all plugs on nodes we wrap ( as node,plug tuple )
Overrides: FacadeNodeBase._getNodePlugs