Package mrv :: Package maya :: Package ui :: Module control :: Class TextScrollList
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class TextScrollList

source code

         object --+                
         basestring --+            
                unicode --+        
             object --+   |        
                      |   |        
            base.BaseUI --+        
         object --+       |        
                  |       |        
interface.Interface --+   |        
                      |   |        
     interface.iDagItem --+        
         object --+       |        
                  |       |        
   util.EventSender --+   |        
                      |   |        
     util.EventSenderUI --+        
               base.NamedUI --+    
              base.SizedControl --+

Class defining attributes and events for the text-scroll list
Nested Classes [hide private]

Inherited from base.SizedControl: __metaclass__

Inherited from util.EventSenderUI (private): _UIEvent

Instance Methods [hide private]

Inherited from base.SizedControl: p_pma, p_popupMenuArray

Inherited from base.NamedUI: delete, exists, shortName, type, uiDeleted

Inherited from base.NamedUI (private): _parentString

Inherited from unicode: __add__, __contains__, __eq__, __format__, __ge__, __getattribute__, __getitem__, __getnewargs__, __getslice__, __gt__, __hash__, __le__, __len__, __lt__, __mod__, __mul__, __ne__, __rmod__, __rmul__, __sizeof__, __str__, capitalize, center, count, decode, encode, endswith, expandtabs, find, format, index, isalnum, isalpha, isdecimal, isdigit, islower, isnumeric, isspace, istitle, isupper, join, ljust, lower, lstrip, partition, replace, rfind, rindex, rjust, rpartition, rsplit, rstrip, split, splitlines, startswith, strip, swapcase, title, translate, upper, zfill

Inherited from unicode (private): _formatter_field_name_split, _formatter_parser

Inherited from interface.Interface: supports

Inherited from util.EventSender: clearAllEvents, sender

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __subclasshook__

Returns: list of currently available items
source code
is nothing selected :note: even if multiple selections are possible
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is nothing selected
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Returns: the first selected item, or None if nothing is selected
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is selected
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setItems(self, items)
Set the given items to be shown.
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addItem(self, item)
Add the given item to the end of the list :return: self
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addItems(self, items)
Add multiple items to the end of the list :return: self
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setSelectedItem(self, item)
Set the given item selected, or clear the selection...
source code
removeItem(self, item)
Remove the given item from the list.
source code
    Query Methods

Inherited from base.SizedControl: annotation, dimension, popupMenuArray

Inherited from base.NamedUI: children, childrenDeep, parent

Inherited from interface.iDagItem: basename, isPartOf, isRoot, isRootOf, parentDeep, root

    Edit Methods

Inherited from base.SizedControl: setAnnotation, setDimension, setFocus

    Overridden Methods

Inherited from base.NamedUI: __init__, __new__, __repr__, __setattr__


Inherited from base.NamedUI: p_ex, p_exists


Inherited from interface.iDagItem: iterParents

    Name Generation

Inherited from interface.iDagItem: fullChildName

Class Methods [hide private]

Inherited from util.EventSender: listEventNames

    Overridden Methods

Inherited from base.NamedUI (private): _exists

    Hierachy Handling

Inherited from base.NamedUI: activeParent

    Name Generation

Inherited from interface.iDagItem: addSep

Class Variables [hide private]
  _properties_ = "append", "a", "appendPosition", "ap", "allItem...
  _events_ = "doubleClickCommand", "dcc", "deleteKeyCommand", "d...

Inherited from base.SizedControl: p_ann, p_annotation, p_dimension

Inherited from base.NamedUI (private): _is_menu

Inherited from base.BaseUI: __melcmd__

Inherited from interface.iDagItem: kOrder_BreadthFirst, kOrder_DepthFirst

Inherited from util.EventSenderUI: reraise_on_error, sender_as_argument


Inherited from base.NamedUI (private): _sep

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]


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list of currently available items


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is nothing selected :note: even if multiple selections are possible
First selected index - the index is 1-based, or -1 if there


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is nothing selected
tuple of all selected 1-based indices, or an empty tuple if there


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the first selected item, or None if nothing is selected


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is selected
list of all selected items as strings, or an empty list if nothing

setItems(self, items)

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Set the given items to be shown.
:param items: iterable of items 
        if empty, the control will be empty after this call.
:return: self

setSelectedItem(self, item)

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Set the given item selected, or clear the selection
:param item: item to select, or clear the selection if None is given
:note: it is not considered an error if the item doesnt exist - following 
        maya's behaviour
:return: self

removeItem(self, item)

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Remove the given item from the list. It is not an error if it doesn't exist in the first place :return: self

Class Variable Details [hide private]


"append", "a", "appendPosition", "ap", "allItems", "ai", "allowAutomat\
icSelection", "aas", "allowMultiSelection", "ams", "numberOfItems", "n\
i", "numberOfRows", "nr", "numberOfSelectedItems", "nsi", "removeAll",\
 "ra" "removeItem", "ri", "removeIndexedItem", "rii", "selectItem", "s\
i", "selectIndexedItem", "sii", "deselectAll", "da", "deselectItem", "\
di", "deselectIndexedItem", "dii", "showIndexedItem", "shi", "font", "\


"doubleClickCommand", "dcc", "deleteKeyCommand", "dkc", "selectCommand\
", "sc"